|Chapter 1|

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I woke to my bed being jumped on.

"Hermione," I groaned.

"Come on! It's your first day! Get up or you're going to miss the train!" She ripped the covers off of me and pulled me to my feet.

"Go shower, and finish packing," she ordered, pushing me in the direction of my bathroom. I showered and when I stepped out I went to my closet, threw on an outfit, and finished packing.

I just had to pack my broom, get my owl in his cage, and my makeup things. Once I had everything stuffed into my trunk I dragged it down the stairs and set it by the stairs in the grand foyer. I walked into the kitchen where Draco was drinking a cup of coffee and going through my reports. Hermione was making herself a travel mug of tea, and Ana, our house elf, was fixing me a plate of breakfast.

"Thank you, Ana," I stated as I sat at the breakfast bar to eat. Ana was here by choice, as Hermione wouldn't have it any other way and Draco's happiness rested with Hermione so he did almost anything she wanted. Ana was paid about 5 Sickles a week, she didn't want any more than 2 but Hermione persisted.

"These were really good," Draco praised me.

"Thank you," I mumbled through a mouthful of bacon.

"Now, while you are at Hogwarts, there will be someone else doing these for you, and when you come back, you can continue doing them if you want. If you don't, then your replacement will be hired full time," He stated.

"Okay," I replied.

"Do you have everything?" Hermione asked. She had become a mother or older sister figure in my life ever since she and Draco became a thing. The public didn't know, as they would ridicule them both. Hermione was my legal guardian, as was Draco, see I'm not their daughter. My parents were Bellatrix Lestrange and Tom Riddle, AKA Lord Voldemort.

"Come on!" Hermione urged me. I quickly finished my plate and jumped off the bar stool. We walked into the front room, I gripped onto my trunk and we walked out to the driveway. I put my trunk into the back of the car and slid into the seat. Hermione and Draco got into the front, Hermione drove as Draco didn't have a license. We reached Kings Cross station about 15 minutes before the train was going to leave. In the Wizarding community, if you had a kid, on September first you got to come into work late so you could see your child or children off to Hogwarts. I pulled my trunk and my owl cage from the car and put it on a trolley that Draco had fetched for me. Hermione had rushed off so the paparazzi wouldn't see her and Draco together with me. If Draco was seen with me that would be no big deal, everyone thought he was a player, but Hermione seemingly had no love life at all. She and Draco didn't wear the classic wedding rings. They wore their rings on the opposite hand.

"Are you nervous?" Draco asked.

"Not really. I know that I should be but I'm not," I stated as we walked up to platforms 9 and 10.

"You know how to get there," he stated and stopped walking. I pushed my trolley between the platforms and was transported to Platform 9 3/4. The scarlet steam engine was sitting there just as Draco and Hermione had predicted. Hermione was standing with two redheads and a black haired man. I pushed my trolley over to her.

"There you are," she stated. She directed me to the luggage compartment where a man took my things and put them on the train for me. I walked back to their group. Draco had joined them.

"Harry, Ginny, Ron, this is Rowena. Ro, this is Harry Potter, Ginny Weasley, and Ron Weasley," Hermione introduced us. I knew who they all were, and Ginny knew who I was. She had been over to the house more than a few times. Harry and Ginny were sending Teddy, their godson who was Remus Lupin and Nymphadora Tonks's son, off to Hogwarts yet again. He was about my age, and he was my second cousin, on my mother's side, and my cousin on my foster father's side.

"Hermione, can I talk to you for a minute?" Ron asked. He and Hermione walked away from the group and started arguing. The paparazzi were having a field day with Hermione and Ron's argument and the fact that Draco and I were talking with Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, Ginny Weasley, and Ron Weasley.

"Allez dire au revoir à Hermione puis prenez le train. Nous ne voulons pas que votre visage soit plongé dans le prophète quotidien," (Go say goodbye to Hermione then get on the train. We don't want your face plastered all over the Daily Prophet) Draco urged me. I nodded and walked over to Hermione and Ron. He was upset with her for associating with Draco and me.

"I'm going to get on the train," I stated. She turned and gave me a hug.

"Please write Ro," She requested.

"I will," I stated before waving farewell to her and walking back over to Draco.

"Adieu Draco, j'écrirai je promets," (Farewell Draco, I will write I promise) I stated as I gave him a hug as well.

"Have a good term, Rowena," He said before I boarded the train. I nodded and dashed to find a compartment. I found an empty one and laid across one of the rows of seats.

"Do you mind if I sit here?" A boy asked from the doorway.

"No," I shrugged and gestured to the seats beside me. "Take a seat," He did.

"I'm Teddy Lupin," He introduced himself.

"Rowena Malfoy," I replied. His eyebrow slowly raised at my last name.

"Draco's . . . daughter?" He asked.

"Yeah," I replied.

"We, Draco and I, are cousins . . . I think," He mused. We spend the remainder of the ride talking and eating sweets from the trolley. When we arrived at Hogwarts I followed his lead, walked off the train and to the carriages. Everyone said they pulled themselves but they didn't. I could see the Thestrals. We got out of the carriages and walked into the Great Hall. I sat next to him at the Hufflepuff table. The first years entered the hall, and stood by the front of the hall, waiting to be sorted.

"Before we start the sorting ceremony, I would like to welcome a transfer student from Romania. Rowena Malfoy. Please come up here to be sorted Miss Malfoy," Professor McGonagall announced. I stood and walked to the front of the hall. I sat on the stool, and the woman placed the hat on my head.

( A/N ) Happy Summer!



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