First day

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((Sorry its been so long i was in florida on vacation))
You walked through the halls with your books in one hand and a schedule in the other, you scanned the doors trying to find science and damn this place was huge. You felt one of your books start to fall from your arms so you did some awkward arm movements trying to stop it but sadly since you were more focused on the book you weren't focused on the girl with the yellow jacket and pretty cool hairstyle you just bumped into causing her books to fall. "Oh geez im sorry!" You sat down your books and helped her up and with her books "its fine" she smiled "I'm jubilee!" She held out her hand "Im y/n"  you gladly accepted it "are you new here?" You nodded your head "hmm, what class do you have?" You smiled a bit awkwardly fidgeting with our schedual "science" her face brighten even more "Me too! Cmon, ill take you there" he held her arm out and you two linked elbows and made your way to science. After science was Math then ,History, P.E, lunch, then  you helped storm with gardening. 

The bell rang for P.E to end and you rushed out to change, after changing you shut your locker and headed out the classroom only to be met with the bright smile of jubilee "Hey Y/N! So i was wondering if you wanted to eat lunch with us?" "Us?" She grabbed your arm and tugged you to follow "my whole group of friends we have Peter, Jean, Scott, Storm, and Kurt" you've met most of them so you were pretty excited. She lead you out to the field and under a tree you saw the whole gang and...holy what...he is blue

You made your way to the tree and sat down next to Storm, your eyes lingered on the blue boy until you felt someone jab you with their elbow to get your attention "he doesn't like to be stared at"  Storm whispered to you and your face flushed "sorry! Im Y/N" you held your hand to the fuzzy blue elf, "Kurt Wagner" he reluctantly held out his hand. His voice sounded like silk and the accent was beautiful and german so like beautiful squared. The awkwardness of lunch faded quickly and the time for you and storm to garden so the group said goodbye and went to your locker to grab the supplies when you found a bundle of blue bell flowers next to your books.

Blue Bells Kurt Wagner X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now