IX - Oshiete Kudasai (教えて下さい)

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 The entirety of Tokyo is showered in Christmas lights; the night is lively and beautiful as buildings and trees are covered in specks of red, white, and green. Short and scrawny Santa Clauses roam the open spaces of malls and entrances of department stores wishing every passerby a "Meri Kurisumasu!" Not to mention, for some odd reason, KFC's experience their busiest, and most lucrative, time of the year selling their product left and right.

 In addition to the cheery atmosphere were the sight of love birds, old and young, holding hands sharing warm cups of love, bundled in coats and mittens while savoring the amazing spectacle. Snow on the sides of the sidewalk glistened beneath the artificial lights that lit up the city. Christmas songs playing on every loud speaker reverberated from every block.

"Are you sure you're okay with celebrating Christmas away from your family?" asked Yousuke.

 Nene nodded, "Totally. This Christmas, I want to spend it with someone else." She lunges for a hug from Yousuke, her arms wrapped tightly around his torso, her face buried in his chest. "Is that okay with you?"

"Uh - yeah, yeah, I mean since your okay with it, I'm okay with it too." He sighs, "But..."

"But what?"

"Because I don't have any money, or a job, I don't have a present to give to you."

"Eh? That's nothing!" She covered her mouth as she laughed. "Yousuke-kun, you're so funny sometimes." Nene leans a little and tenderly whispers, "You've already given me a present."

"Huh? I did? When?"

 She embraces him, resting the side of her head on his chest. His heartbeats were calm and methodical. "You, silly. There's nothing you can give me that can be more meaningful to me than you. Thank you for coming into my life."

"Uh... your welcome... I think?"

 One week after Christmas, Suzuka and her friends finally landed in Tokyo. The warm interior of the plane quickly dissipated once they stepped out. The airport is crowded more than usual, mostly due in part to the holidays, making it difficult for the ladies to get to baggage claims.

"Ugh", groaned Momoka, "we should've taken the train instead. Why would people want to put themselves through ugly situations like this?"

"That's right! The train would've been a much better option", added Satomi, "Besides, we could've seen more and done more while on our way here. I wanted to take some pictures for memory's sake!"

"Oh geez, not even ten minutes in and they're already whining." Eriko, then, sarcastically remarked, "I am so surprised. I've been shooketh to the bones! This has never happened before, oh dear, oh me , oh my!"

"My apologies for ruining your airport experience, Queen Eriko. Forgive us for we are merely peasants and have no class.", remarked Momoka. "Shall I ask Queen Suzuka for repentance as well?"

"Aki-chan, I'm beginning to regret having this trip already," said Suzuka, "What will people think of us if they go out of hand?"

"It's no biggie, Su-chan, people in Tokyo are used to being exposed to loud and obnoxious people. They're so high up on their high horses they won't dare to take a glance at us."

"Are Tokyoites really that full of themselves?"

"Absolutely! If anything they'll take one look and then scoff at you. They'll turn away with their noses in the air, silently judging you as they walk away."

"Wow, that sucks. And to think I wanted to be a singer and move to Tokyo when I was growing up."

"Indeed. Luckily for us, we got Yuki to balance out the odd couple over there. Speaking of which, where is she anyways?"

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