Chapter 13: Chunnin and Strangers

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Chapter 13: Chunnin and Strangers

I sat on the bridge quietly, staring down at the water below. Sakura and Sasuke Sat on the other side of the bridge in silence all of us were thinking. I tilted my head slightly when I heard the running footsteps coming closer, no doubt it was Naruto. “Hey good morning Sakura, what’s up?” Naruto asked as he walked onto the bridge. I turn around to see him glaring at Sasuke, ‘And the rivalry returns.’ I huffed at the thought. Ever since the mission in the land of waves their rivalry had worsened. The boys turned away simultaneously while huffing their anger.

After a long while of waiting I lied down on the railing and fell asleep. I was suddenly awoken by the shout of “BELIEVE IT!!!” I woke with a start and ended up falling off and into the water. The cold shock of the water left me breathless and I quickly swam to the surface.

“Naruto…” I growled as I glared up onto the bridge. Where Naruto was a second ago was a small cloud of dust indicating that he had left.

Later we had to pull weeds in a woman’s garden, after Naruto pulled up everything including some special herbs we left to go and pick up litter in the water I grinned as Naruto slipped, slowly being dragged off to the edge and over the waterfall where Sasuke saved him. Next we walked dogs, Naruto picked the biggest dog, which ended up dragging him through a booby-trapped area. I laughed as Sakura and Sasuke sighed in irritation as they carried Naruto back home.

“Look at you you’re hopeless Naruto.” Sakura chided.

“Hn, you really are just one big problem.” Sasuke added with a smirk.

“Sasuke!!!” Naruto shouted angrily, ready to attack Sasuke. Sakura quickly put her hand in front of Naruto.

“If you keep this up I’ll finish you off myself!” Sakura shouted.

“Guess we’re not making a lot of progress on the teamwork thing huh?” I heard Kakashi sigh.

“Oh we can do it, this just isn’t the type of situation where it works.” I reassured him as Naruto shouted at Sasuke. I frowned at the stare down and whipped out my bostaff before knocking them both over the head. “KNOCK IT OFF YOU MORONS!!!” I shouted. “I’m tired of the testosterone battles.” I snapped.

Kakashi then left us, stating that he had to file the missions report, Sasuke left soon afterwards, leaving Sakura with a nasty blow to her ego, who in turn left an even nastier blow to Naruto’s. I looked down to see the worst disguise in history. I lifted up the rock colored box and saw three kids on their hands and knees. “What do you three want?” I asked softly.

“I’m Moegi Sassiest kinoichi in preschool.” The girl with red hair said with a sassy pose.

“I love algebra, call me Udon!” A boy with glasses on his face and snot dripping from his nose said as he struck another lame pose.

“And I’m the number one ninja in the village Konahamaru!” A boy with spiky brown hair and a large scarf said as he also struck a lame pose. I noticed all of the goggles on their foreheads.

“Konohamaru?” I heard Naruto ask from behind me.

“You know these losers?” I asked. I heard a few gasps from behind me, I turned to see Udon and Moegi holding Konohamaru back.

“You take that back!” He shouted.

“You can’t take words back stupid.” I snapped before walking away. It wasn’t long before the kids and Naruto ran past me, grabbing me on the way. “Hey!” I shouted, indignant at being randomly grabbed. It wasn’t long before Konohamaru ran into a guy wearing an black body suit. He had purple paint markings on his face a mummified something on his back. Behind him stood a blonde girl with a giant fan on her back, both of them wore Sand village headbands.

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