Something Feels Weird

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Jaina's POV

"Why does it have to be so hot?" "Your body exceeds temperatures way higher than this and you're seriously complaining," Alanie asked me. "Yes I am. Humanly, I cannot stand the heat. As a flaming bird I can handle it." "Then shift and shut up." "Don't start with me." "And what if I want to, Jaina," Alanie retaliated. "Knock it off, Lanie," Darcy sighed. "You always instigate conflicts," Mona chimed in. "No I do not." "Uhh yes you do," Angelica added. "Okay, let's just drop this topic before Alanie makes it something bigger," I stated annoyed. We've been friends practically since birth. We annoy the hell out of each other, do weird shit, say weird shit, and love to stick out from the rest. We live among the same pack, yes even being different supernaturals. Our pack is sort of like a refugee camp. Families get removed from their original packs and then find ours, the Crystal Storm pack. Being a rogue supernatural is kind of equivalent to being a convicted felon in the supernatural world, let alone being a hybrid is especially heinous. Crossbreeding too many supernatural forms is deemed to be highly dangerous, which would make my existence a big no-no. You can get by being formed of two different creatures, but 4? Yea, you might as well be considered a nuclear suicide bomber among the supernatural community. A lot of people fear you and what you're capable of. Stereotype you and your family because of what you are. Ready to burn your existence away and shut you out because you are oh so dangerous and unwelcome. An eyesore to the world. Its even this way for non-hybrids with rare traits, or a hybrid that isn't a hybrid, but they just hold two different forms of their supernatural selves. Like a nymph of both water and wood. Other nymphs will disown you and turn you rogue in hopes of ruining you. Being a magical little mysterious creature sounds fun, huh? Its got a few perks. I mean come on. We're extraordinary beings with awesome powerful abilities. I could live in water, or be on fire without actually burning down. I can fly and shrink down in size. Become one of the most beautiful and mysterious creatures. And so can my friends.

There's this cool little beach that only the supernatural can find and reach. My friends and I always find ourselves loitering around the sacred piece of land. Its calming and honestly a fun place. Approaching the entryway to the beach, I started to sense something a little funny. "wait a sec, guys," I swiftly stated, "something feels weird." "There's someone else here, Jai. That's all," Angie responded. "Yea, but something feels off about it." "Well then let's go find out what." "Now why do that Lanie? What if its something dangerous or whatever?" "We have an atomic bomb over there. We be good." "Okay, first off, fuck off Lanie. Second, Mona could be right," I retaliated. "Oh for fuck's sake. Just go!" "Okay, damn Darcy! Chill out, fucking yelling at me and shit." We walked through the little entry way to find there was a group of four boys. I still felt that little something that was off, but it had nothing to do with these boys. "There's still something off and it has nothing to do with them." "Let's see if they sense it too then," Darcy suggested. We began to approach the males, seemingly catching their attention as we neared them. "Uhm, hello there," the curly blonde said with an Australian accent . "Uh, hi. Weird question, but do you guys feel anything off or maybe know if there is something off, because I feel it and I'm curious," I rambled out. "No. Sorry we aren't catching whatever it is you're catching." "Alright. Thanks. Maybe I'm just losing it. Sorry for bothering you. Uhm, b-," " no, why don't you join us," the curly blonde offered. "Sure." The girls and I made ourselves comfy. Well as comfy as you can get in sand. We all sat in an awkward silence. "Soooooooooooooooooooooo, let us introduce everyone since we are all a bunch of strangers just sitting and chilling with no prior knowledge as to who the either is," Alanie broke the quiet bubble. We all gave her a thankful but a "wtf" look. The curly blonde spoke up, "well I'm Luke. This here is Jason, Matt, and Brian." "I'm Jaina and this is Alanie, Darcy, Mona, and Angelica. Its nice to meet you." "Much the same," Luke replied. I stand corrected. the weird feeling is coming from him. I can't pin point exactly what about him, but I can tell it is definitely coming from him. "So, is it too personal to ask what you all are or is that okay?" Mona questioned. "I suppose that's fine, I am a wolf, same as our buddy Matt, and Jason is a Phoenix," Brian answered. "What about you Luke?" Darcy questioned. He hesitated for a moment, slightly fidgeting with his fingers. I could tell he was nervous. He finally spoke up as if he completely zoned out, "oh, yea, uhm me. I'm a Phoenix." He isn't just a phoenix and his actions proved it to me, but I couldn't be too sure unless I asked him. Telepathically I began to speak to Luke. "You're not just a phoenix and I know it. Don't try to tell me I'm wrong." "How did you know?" He mentally asked me. "The way you hesitated as if you zoned out. Fidgeting your fingers. Your friend surely didn't answer for you. That leaves me with one idea in mind. You're a hybrid." He mentally cursed. "Fuck. You can't tell anyone what I am. You know I'm basically not supposed to exist. Promise me please." "Its fine. I won't tell. As long as you promise me you won't tell a soul that I'm a hybrid either." "Wait you're one too?" "Yes indeed, sweet pea. Wolf, phoenix, vampire, and nymph." "Everything? Wow. You're like a literal living atomic bomb. I'm a wolf, vampire, and phoenix." "We should probably pay attention to what they're talking about now. By the way, Mona is a vamp, Angie is a wolf, Lanie is a nymph, and Darcy is a phoenix." After withdrawing from our mini conversation via telepathic connection, Luke and I began to pay attention to our friends and the conversation at hand. They were talking about food, then my stomach began to rumble. "Speaking of food, who wants to go get some? I'm particularly starving right now and could really go for a Hibachi grill and buffet." "Sure, why not," Jason agreed. We all stood up and began to head towards the barrier. I still have no clue what this something weird is i felt and particularly about Luke. He seems pretty cool so it isn't anything bad I hope.

As we exited the hidden beach, we came across a wolf. It was a werewolf, I could definitely tell by its stance. it began to snarl at us as if we threatened it. Sis really needs to chill. "Use your words and not your growls, asshole," Matt addressed the wolf. It shifted into human form and began to speak. "You kids better watch your backs. Something is coming and its targeting you." "One, we don't know who you are. Two, we don't know that you're a liable source for this information so if you would excuse us we'll be on our way," Alanie replied to the seemingly shorter shifter. "Fine. Don't believe me, but you will see me again. And I won't be alone. You may not even see me at all. You won't know of my plans. You won't know when we'll be coming. But watch your backs. I leave you with fair warning." He shifted and ran off. "Creepy douche," Angie muttered. "Well now that that is over can we please go eat now? I'm still starving," I exasperated. "Yea, sure. Let's go," Luke answered. Luke and his friends divided from us and squished into his black Jeep. My friends and I climbed into my Black Rav 4. ( A/N my dream car at the moment. it was being implemented one way or another) We pulled off and made our way to the buffet.

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