{Never have a chance}

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"Ughhhh fuck man", I grunted as I heard my alarm clock ringing loudly. I slammed my fist onto the clock making it stop ringing immediately. Admiring the warmth of my comfortable queen sized hotel bed,I laid there in sweet bliss. My eyes slowly began to close again just as I felt my covers being yanked off of me. "What the fu-" I looked at the foot of my bed to see my sister Latocha . She wad holding the covers in her arms and looking at me as if I had a pile of dog shit on top of my head. "Mika , get up and get ready. You know we gotta perform today" she blurted out . "I am Tocha...I am" I said groggily as I got up from my cozy warm bed. "And hurry up lazy bitch" she yelled as she walked out of my room , slamming the door. I shook my head while grabbing my wash cloth and drying towel as I walked to the bathroom. I closed the bathroom door and turned on the radio. As I began to start my shower, I heard "Party and Bullshit" by Biggie blasting through the speaker.
"I was a terror since the public school era
Bathroom passes, cutting classes, squeezing asses
Smoking blunts was a daily routine
Since thirteen, a chubby nigga on the scene
I used to have the tre' duce
And the duce duce in my bubble-goose
Now I got the mack in my knapsack
Loungin' black, smoking sacks up in acts
And sidekicks with my sidekicks rocking fly kicks
Honeys wanna chat
But all we want to know is "where the party at?"
And can I bring my gat?
If not, I hope I don't get shot
Betta throw my vest on my chest
Cause niggas is a mess
It don't take nothin' but frontin'
For me to start somethin'
Buggin' and barkin' at niggas like I was duck huntin'
Dumbing out, just me and my crew
Cause all we want to do is
Bullshit and party
And bullshit and party"
I rapped loudly, stripping from my oversized shirt and underwear as I got in the shower. I let the warm water hit my face and chest as I rocked my body to the beat of the song.

I walked out of my hotel room just to see three angry faces that I knew. Tiny,Kandi,&Tocha...Ahh fuck here we go. "What?" I looked at them as if I didn't know what was happening. "You know what!" Kandi said with her hand on her hip and her weight shifted to her right side. "You're late" Tiny said in squeaky soft voice. "Again!" Tocha exclaimed. "Yeah yeah yeah I know" I waved them off and walked away. I heard one of them huff in frustration but I just kept walking. Probably Kandi with her bad attitude. Ehh whatever. Eventually they caught up with me and I heard Kandi speak. "Where we performing at?" She asked looking at each one of us. "The Arsenio Hall Show Kandi" I said shaking my head. "That's sad!" Tiny snapped. "Tamika sleeps too much...Kandy forgets everything.. yall are fucked up.." "Shut Up Tiny!" Me and Kandi shouted at her. "Okay damn. Loud tricks" Tiny mugged us. Tocha didn't say anything. She just shook her head as always.

I sat back in my chair as my stylist sprayed hairspray on my hair. "You would look so cute with long hair" Tocha said. "Yeah you would" Tiny nodded. "I think I might try long hair one day" I said looking in the mirror. I looked at Kandi as she was dancing in the mirror exotically. "What the hell are you doing?" I asked her, raising my right eyebrow. "Practicing" she shouted at me as she stopped dancing. "For what?" Tiny said. "We're not doing any dances like that today" "For my man.." Kandi said with a devilish smirk plastered onto her face. "You don't got no man!" Me,Tiny,&Tocha shouted at her. "I knowww" Kandi rolled her eyes. "But..it's for when I do get one" she said as that smirk appeared again. "Yeahh okay" Tocha said in disbelief. "What? Yall ain't got no man either!" Kandi said to us. "So!" Tiny and Tocha yelled. I just sat there and looked. "You neither Tamika" Kandi looked at me and folded her arms."mmkayyyyy" I smirked and got up from my chair. Tiny looked at me. "Mmkay? Mmkay? What does that supposed to mean?" She asked while looking at me. "Ohhh nothingggg" I said while walking out of the dressing room. The three of them stood there confused. I chuckled silently to myself and shook my head. I don't have a man but they don't have to know that.

We were in the middle our performance. I could heard the crowd screaming and cheering...man every time I heard the screams of our fans I get a rush. "Lay back,kick it,enjoy the ride" I heard our manager Jermaine chanting smoothly in the background. The harder the bass hit, the hyper I got."Kick it up,kick it up,kick it up come on yall!" Tocha shouted as we all sung three times
"Groove with me
And you will see
Everything's gonna be alright '
We finished the song and hugged each other. We waved goodbye to the crowd and ran backstage. "I did that...yall can't tell me I ain't do that!" Tocha said. We all laughed. "So cocky" I said as I shook my head. "Yooo i'm hungry as hell man!" Kandi said as she rubbed her stomach. "Aye let's go get some grub!" Tiny suggested. "I'm down!" Kandi,Tocha, and I agreed. "Hold on yall, let me go get outta this hot ass sweater!" I said , walking back to my dressing room. As I walked, I saw a broad male figured standing at my door. He was turned the opposite way so I thought maybe it was one of my bodyguard. When I made it to my door, he turned around. It was none other than Dr.Dre himself. He was holding a bouquet of red roses. He looked down at me with a million dollar smile before asking,"Wassup?" I was a bit confused but I spoke back anyways. "Nothing much", I looked up at him and said. "That's wassup. I bought you these." He handed me the roses. "Thank you. They're beautiful" I grabbed them and held them."Just like you" he smirked with his hands in his pocket. OHHHHHHH BOY HERE WE GO. "Mhmmmm" I said while looking up at him. "I saw you doin' ya thing out there. You was lookin' good" he licked his lips. "Thank you" I said as I walked into my dressing room. "Can I come in?" He stood in the doorway. "Well you're already half way in so..why not?" I sat the flowers on the table. I walked in and looked around. I took off my black sweater, revealing my
white spaghetti strap tank top. "Mmmm" he licked his lips once again while his eyes explored my body. I looked at him. "What?" I asked , raising my eyebrow. "Mann you lookin' good.. mmm..mmm...mmm" he rubbed his hands together. "Again..thank you" I said nonchalantly. I picked up my flowers and sweater, walking to the door. "You wanna spend the night here or you wanna come out?" I looked at him while holding the doorknob. "Damn my bad mama" he walked out of my dressing room. "Mhmm" I turned off the light and closed the door behind me. "So.." I leaned my back against the wall. "How'd you know I was gonna be here?" I crossed my foot over the other. "Well of course everybody knew that Xscape was gonna be on The Arsenio Hall Show and I gotta say..you my favorite outta all of em so I decided to show love" he tilted his head back a little and lightly to the right. "Is that so?" I asked. "Yup" he said moving his body closer to mine. He moved so close that after a while I was pinned between him and the wall that I was leaning against."I was thinking..maybe I could get ya number and we could grab a bite to eat.." he looked down at me, mumbling in a low seductive tone. I chuckled a little. "I think not." I slipped away from him. "Aww c'mon so it's like that?" I took off his Death Row Records hat and placed it on my head backwards. "Just like that" I smirked and walked away. "Tamika! Tamika! Tamika!" I heard Dre calling my name. I swayed my hips left to right as I walked away. "Goodbye Dre!" I waved as I exited the door. Psshh please..he'll never have a chance with me.

Sorry for any mistakes yall.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2017 ⏰

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