To the University

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One year later,I went to the university,it is pretty nice to wake up after nine years without passing through school,just going to the university.The first day,I saw him, he was there,in the same university,my heart beats were running,I have never felt this way in my entire life. I was going to hide,but ran and catches my hand saying softly:"You don't want to say hi."I turned with my head down towards the ground and said:"Ohh,Hi Cody."Then a came and stood next yo him and said:"Hey Cody, what are you doing, oh hi you,new student hun,by the way I am Carly, Cody's friend.Both of us were shocked.But directly i said:"I have to go."I don't know why I was hurt,I don't know why I begin to cry, without any reason.

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