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Well hello there guys!

I guess there is where I introduce myself right?

Oh-uh okay-

So my name is Marco Bodt, you can call me Marco!

(I still don't know why people call me Freckled Jesus for some reason *Scratches his cheek with his finger as he looked sheepish and confused*)

I think I'm a nice person but I don't know. *He chuckles, scratching the back of his neck*

But if you ever want to talk to me, feel free! I'm always up for a conversation! Don't be shy at all, I promise I'll listen to you! It will be a blast I promise!

Well I rank in 7th place in the 104th Training Corps-oh! And I'm apart of the military, the Cadet Regiment, thought you should know.

I am planning to join the Military Police soon so I can help serve the King and do some good policing the streets and help make the kingdom a better place! Even if I'm just one person, I'll try to make a difference.

But I'm good with talking to people and teamwork because I believe in the best of people even through their worst flaws, everyone's is good in the inside.


Well I'm from a small farming village Jinae. And I was raised on a farm by my family so I did help out with them managing the farm like pulling weeds, planting crops, taking care of the livestock. It's hard work that I can guarantee but it's home for me.

I'm 15 years old but I'm sure that all of you know.


And I think that's it right?

Yeah, but I guess this book is where I usually write and do some stuff with my friends!

Like Jean, Bertholdt, Reiner, Eren, Armin, Mikasa, Annie, and etc.

But I'm sure we can be good friends right?

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