A love full of surprises

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"Thank you for your purchases," the cashier said once I paid her. I nodded and collected the two bags, which I nearly instantly dropped.
"Geez these are so heavy!" I exclaimed, literally dragging the bags out of the shop, dreading the half an hour walk home.
Walking along the dimly lit path, I couldn't see beyond a metre, so when a man ran into me I was caught by surprise as he knocked my shopping bags out of my hands.
"Sorry, I'm in a rush!" The man called behind him, disappearing into the darkness.
"For god sake!" I muttered and started picking up all the groceries that had scattered across the floor, "so much stuff, so much stuff," I mumbled, starting to apologise to those who were walking by.
I was about to reach for an apple when someone else's hand placed itself upon mine, "let me help you," I heard a deep voice say. I looked up and saw an angelic face smiling at me whilst picking up the remaining groceries.
"O-oh th-thank you," I stuttered, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear.
How can anyone look as charming as this guy?!
I felt incapable of looking away, however as soon as his head snapped up to look at me I found something to shuffle around in the bags to avert my attention from him.
"Thanks for helping me," I said, about to pick up both bags.
"I'll carry them for you," he said gently, clasping the bags hurriedly before I could get my hands on them.
"That's not necessary, really. I can manage from here," I laughed trying to retrieve the bags from him.
"What's your address?" he said abruptly, swinging the bags from my direction.
"Excuse me?!" I mused, taken aback by his sudden request.
"So I can walk you home," he tilted his face in my direction, the street light capturing parts of his chiselled features. How could I possibly refuse?
"W-well follow me then," I muttered, starting to walk in front of him.
"What's your name miss?" He asked, catching up beside me.
"Shin Eunrim," I stated, "how about you stranger?"
He started laughing, and I could honestly say that it was the most beautiful melody I'd heard for a while.
"What are you laughing at?" I snapped, trying to cover up my admiration.
"I'm a stranger after helping you with your shopping?" A faint smirk was painted across his lips as I pouted angrily.
"I never asked for your help..."
"I'm Lee Dongmin," he concluded, giving off what seemed to be his signature smile, melting my heart.
"Okay Lee Dongmin, I guess you're not so much of a stranger now," I smiled to myself, feeling his eyes searching the side of my head.
The rest of the walk was peaceful, and we'd finally reached my house.
"Well this is me," I said, taking the bags from Dongmin's clutch.
"It was nice meeting you Shin Eunrim, I hope we get to meet again soon," he smiled, his voice shaking through my body.
"Have a safe journey home..." I said as I watched him leave, "... Lee Dongmin," I sighed, turning to enter my house.
I can already predict that the angelic features of Lee Dongmin would remain in my mind for a long time...
I was planning to take a light stroll for the morning as tomorrow I started my new job as a music editor.
Walking past a coffee shop I gazed in casually, until my eyes caught a familiar looking face by the window.
"Where have I seen him before?" I asked myself, craning my neck to inspect every feature of the male that was sitting, sipping his coffee.
Is he the guy from yesterday?
As soon as his head tilted more in my direction I could feel my heart explode into a million pieces, "shit! It's that Dongmin guy."
Noticing that he was with a girl I quickly ducked down and crawled secretly into the coffee shop. Thinking snappy I promptly dashed to the closest table, holding up a menu in front of my face.
I peeked over it occasionally and inspected not only Dongmin's features but the girls' sat opposite him, "wah, she's so pretty," I whined to myself, focusing on every detail of how perfect she was. I looked at myself, groaning at my baggy hoodie and skinny jeans that helplessly clung to my figure, comparing it to her tightly fitting dress with manicured nails.
I wonder if that's his girlfriend?
As I was thinking that, I heard chairs scraping back and the sound of his familiar voice.
"Shit, they're leaving," I hissed to myself, bringing the menu closer to my face, in hope that they would leave the shop without noticing me.
"Do you really love the menu that much?" A soft voice touched my ears and I found myself springing back in surprise. I widened my eyes once noticing Dongmin sat opposite me, smiling in a caring manner.
"O-oh... what are you doing here?" I asked, scratching the back of my head.
"I was here with my friend, just catching up. What about you? I mean you don't look particularly comfortable."
"I'm fine!" I said snappily.
"Should you be speaking to someone like that who helped you with your shopping yesterday, Eunrim?"
He remembered my name!
"S-sorry, erm it's just a surprise seeing you here that's all," I let out the most awkward laugh possible, turning everyone's attention onto me.
"You sure capture everyone's eye that's for sure," he chuckled, levering himself from the seat, "come on, let's go for a walk, I'd like to know more about you," he held out his hand, which I shakily took. My heart was jumping in my throat as he kept his hand in place as we were walking; and I couldn't predict whether my heart would fail pumping blood around my body.
"What are you interests then Shin Eunrim?" Dongmin suddenly questioned.
"Ah, stop calling me by my full name, just call me Eunrim," I giggled before continuing, "I really enjoy music, I play the piano whenever I can and I'm even starting a new job tomorrow editing music."
"Really? That's fantastic, because I also play the piano," I looked up at Dongmin, seeing him beaming down at me, his gorgeous middle parting revealing some of his forehead, "why are you looking at me like that?"
"Ah! Sorry, I was just daydreaming," I said quickly, hoping he wouldn't take it too seriously.
"We should meet up more often and compose music together, don't you think?" He suddenly stopped me, taking hold of my shoulders, as if scared I'd run away from the idea.
"I-I mean why not... I guess," I agreed wearily.
"Great! Give me your number then and we'll get started as soon as we can!" He grinned giddily, his teeth shining brightly against the sun.
How could anyone get as perfect as Lee Dongmin?
And so after that, I and Dongmin began meeting up regularly, composing music together, which increased my knowledge for my job. I tried to dismiss the fluttery feeling I developed in my stomach every time I saw him, knowing full well he didn't see me as anything more than a friend. The thought was dampening, but I didn't want to ruin a perfectly stable friendship I'd gained with a man I'd never dreamed of becoming close with.
"I think we should compose a love song next," he said on one Saturday, a day I had thankfully been freed from my job.
"But I'm not good with soppy things," I grunted, folding my arms.
"We can base it off our relationship, can we not?" Dongmin turned his attention onto me all of a sudden, staring that deep into my soul I felt he could read every emotion I was experiencing at that moment in time.
"B-but our relationship isn't that of lovers..." I stated quietly.
"Oh..." was all he responded with, before continuing to think of a melody for our new song.
Crap that was such a bad thing to say...
"Anyways, I'll see you later yes?" I said as brightly as possible once we were ready to leave.
"I suppose," Dongmin smiled lightly, but something wasn't quite right in his eyes; they seemed to be too thoughtful for my liking, and I had no idea why.
With that we parted, the sky was getting darker by the minute and I felt extremely uncomfortable to have to walk through the park on my own.
"Just walk quickly and you should be fine," I whispered to myself, speedily whisking my feet against the ground.
"Well, what do we have here?" A gruff voice grumbled behind me. I turned around and saw a large looking man, sneering with another. They continued walking towards me as I turned around and desperately tried to escape the situation. My insides were flaming with fear and my mind was in a state of panic.
"Don't run away so quickly," a firm hand gripped my shoulder, spinning me around to be greeted by a macabre sight of blubbery mans features.
Someone please help me!
"I think you should be the ones running," that all familiar voice sounded through my ears, and my heart suddenly felt lighter. Another hand grasped my hand and tugged me out of the gruesome male's grip.
"And who are you?" The man argued.
"Someone you don't want to have anything to do with," I instantly knew it was Dongmin, and I clung onto his arm without a second thought. I could feel his body tense up into a rigid stature, which I wasn't sure why.
"Geez, daft punk. Always need to have someone spoil the fun," the fat man grumbled, fading away into the shadows with his companion.
I breathed a heavy sigh of relief and buried myself into Dongmin's chest, "thank you so much!" I sobbed, tugging at his shirt.
"Girl, you have to be less reckless!" I heard him mutter in an irritated tone.
All I did was cry some more before looking up at him, "what was wrong with you earlier, you seemed to have turned cold and uninterested in what we were doing."
He paused for a great amount of time, looking down to the ground before responding, "I was hurt that you didn't think we had a lovers relationship."
I figured that my expression told a lot of what I was thinking.
"If you think about it, we've gotten really close lately, and I love the fact that you love the same things as me. I thought that we had something more than just friendship, but I guess -"
"Stop," I interrupted bluntly, "I was scared to go along with something I was unaware of being true," I took a deep breath, a tear sliding down my cheek on top of my previous tear stains, "you've helped me understand music on a whole new level, I view it as something I can hold in my heart forever... along with you, Lee Dongmin. You've made my days, hours, minutes, seconds into something I can't even express; the joy I feel is inexpressible."
I looked into his eyes and saw him searching mine intently, as if he was looking for something more.
Without warning however, he crashes his lips against mine, yet another tear running between our lips, joined by another one of his own. Holding me tightly, he moved his lips passionately against mine as if he didn't want to waste a second of this moment. With my mind having numerous thoughts whizzing around, my heart took control and I found myself kissing back with just as much depth and meaning; hoping that he would accept my surfacing feelings for him.
The kiss became heated and I was running out of breath, so I parted ever so slightly, inhaling and exhaling deeply.
"I think I've fallen for you Shin Eunrim," Dongmin mumbled, his lips slightly brushing against mine, sending an unexpected shiver up my spine.
"As have I, Lee Dongmin," I whispered, smiling contently, only to find that our lips had reattached themselves for a brief moment.
I was pulled into a warm hug afterwards, my hands caressing his back underneath his coat, whilst he stroked my hair lovingly. How love can be filled with many surprises.
A/N: Well I have to admit, this one shot caused me to shed a few tears. I cannot believe I did that to myself, but I hope you guys enjoy it! Eunwoo is one of my bias' from Astro, I mean how can anyone despise an angelic face like his? You see, I'm conflicted between Eunwoo and MJ, so the upcoming Myungjun one shot may have just as much emotion in it than this one! I love them both equally and CANNOT decide which of the two are my favourite, it's impossible for me.
Anyways, hope you guys enjoyed this, I know it's been uploaded in the VERY early morning, however I couldn't sleep with so many ideas on my mind, so hope you enjoy this and look forward to the next one!

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