Chapter 8

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Well Jimin saw what I can do. He is looking at me confused. "Let's pretend that never happened and you didn't see it." I say and walk past him. He just stands there. "Jamie you can fight? Since when?" He asks me I turn around. "When I was little I took a lot of fighting classes. I am a lethal weapon." I say and he looks at me with his mouth wide open. "Like is that illegal?" He asks and points to Jordan on the ground. "Umm no it is not because I have my dad to back me up. He has my back." I say to him hit the next question. "But, I thought your dad was in jail. Or he was in it and then got out. They kicked you out." Jimin says. "Okay you didn't see anything I'll explain a little later." I say and then grab his hand and then pull him towards my body. "Your eye." He says and touches it. I smile. "It doesn't hurt now." I say and then peck his lips. "Fuck that was really hot but, I am so confused." Jimin says. "Yeah you will be for a bit. Once this shit has finished I will explain it all to you I promise." I say to him and then hug him tight. I feel the love. He won't pressure me about anything. "Just say to the boys that I fell and hit my eye. My dad was on the phone." I say and he nods. "Okay." Jimin says and then we walk in hand in hand. "That was a long...." Jin starts to say. I look at him and smile. "I fell ahah." I say and Jimin laughs. "That is why we were out there so long. I was laughing." Jimin says. I smile and agree with him. We sit down and he eats some food. I just sit and watch them all laugh. Wonder when all this shit will be done. When will we win. I just want happiness. I want to be happy with Jimin. I need him to be safe. I just listen to the conversation while looking out the window. "Why is she being distant lately Jimin?" I hear Tae ask him. I ignore the question and hear what he has to say. He knows what he can and can't say. "I don't know Tae she is going through a lot. She is just tired a lot." He says and I put my hand on my face and look out the window. Yeah I wish I could just tell them the truth. I just can't not until everything is dealt with. I mean everything. "Yeah I just love her and I know that if I can help her anyway then I can maybe relax her. She needs some good sleep." Jimin says and then takes my other hand and holds it. I relax and keep my eye on the door to make sure no one else comes in. I just don't want them to get hurt. I look over at Jimin and smile. I hear the door open and see that two guys come in and walk around the place. I see a gun and I swear under my breathe. "Guys let's go back to the house I will pay just get ahead start." I say and they look at me. "Quick." I say they all get up and start to walk out. I put the money on the table and I make Jimin walk out. I feel a touch on my shoulder. "Have you see this gi-" They start to say. I keep my head low. "No sorry I haven't." I say changing my voice. I grip the knife in my pocket. "Okay." They says and I walk out ready to hear the fire of the gun. I know that it is coming. I turn the corner and hear some yelling. "Run!" I yell to the boys and they look back. "I can't leave you!" Jimin yells. "I told you! Run when I say run!" I yell at him without a hesitation before the gun is aimed at Jimin I grab the gun and turn it on them. "You shoot I shoot." I say and then cock the gun. I hear sirens. I look at them. "I will do it!" I yell and put the gun to his chest. "I told your family I will do anything to protect them!" I yell at them. "Fine put the gun down!" The other guy says. "You first!" I yell and then the guy kicks the gun to me. I grab them both and put them in my hands. I run into the ally way. I hop the fence. I run so the cops don't hear me. I grab the gun and shoot the bullet and then stash the gun somewhere it will never be found. I throw it in the water down the street. I have the other one. I will use that later. I keep it when it comes to things I need to use it for. 

I run to the driveway of our house. I go into the back. I open the door with my spare key. I hear some talking inside. I hear someone talking and then silence. I open the door and the darkness in the house makes me confused. I put the gun in my back so the boys don't see it. I can't let know anyone I have this thing. I hear something and then I feel a hand connect with mine. "Who is there!" The boys yell. "It's just me Jamie!" I yell at them again and then the light turns on. "What the fuck was that back there!" They all yell at me. I just shake my head. "Shut up let me think!" I yell and then pace back and forth Jimin puts his hand on my cheek. I just shake it away. When will they do it. Either they kill them. Or they kill me. I will have to choose one day and when it comes it will be me. 

Let's just say I love pjmtastic

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