Arthur's Battle

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A/N: This has also been on for about a year. Hope y'all enjoy. It's just something I wanted to play around with since nothing is ever said in detail what happened with Arthur, Kingsley, or Remus out in the grounds of Hogwarts.

Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or any of these characters. They belong to JKR.


It was the heat of the battle. Death Eaters, giants, and acromantulas were everywhere, inside the castle and out. Kingsley, Arthur, and Remus led troops into the grounds of Hogwarts while the professors commanded troops inside.

Everyone fought their hardest, both good and evil. Many had fallen and many more were injured.

Arthur had taken down many Death Eaters already. He was exhausted but still fought strong. Blood, sweat, and dirt covered his body. His clothes were ripped from curses, hexes, and shrapnel. Throughout the battle, the only thing keeping him going was the hope and knowledge that his family was in one piece and fighting alongside him, even though none of them were in his field of view. Even though he couldn't see his family, he knew he wasn't alone in this fight against evil. Dozens of other duels were taking place around him in the dark grounds.

He was engaged in the most challenging duel he had been in that night. This particular Death Eater was more skilled and had more energy than Arthur and refused to give him any slack, this was a fight to the death after all.

Arthur was so busy dodging and blocking the Death Eater's curses and hexes, he didn't have a chance to fire any of his own.

"Ossis Effergo!" a dark blue jet of light shot out of the end of the Death Eater's wand hitting Arthur in the left leg, causing it to break

Arthur screamed out in pain and collapsed to the ground as a loud cracking noise emanated from his leg. As the Death Eater advanced, Arthur scooted back against the trunk of the tree they were dueling under, doing his best to block the Death Eater's attacks. He was unable to concentrate fully due to the sharp pain in his leg. The Death Eater disarmed him, and Arthur watched as his wand flew from his grasp to land ten feet away.

Disarmed, cornered, and wounded, Arthur did not cower, but stared back with defiance. He knew what was coming. He knew the next curse he would be hit with would most likely be the Killing Curse. Sure he was afraid on the inside, for himself and his family, but he was not going to give the Death Eater the satisfaction of knowing he was afraid during the last moments of his life.

But he was wrong. The next curse to erupt from his opponent's wand was not the Killing Curse. In fact, he wished it had been, in that instant. "Crucio!" It was the most excruciating pain Arthur had ever felt, like hundreds of knives were piercing his body. His screams mingled with the various noises of the raging battle as he writhed on the ground. The curse seemed to last for several minutes and only ceased when a high, cold voice rang through the night air, causing all duels to halt. It was Voldemort's voice, and he called for a one hour armistice.

The pain still lingering, Arthur sat up on his elbows. A feeling of relief rushed over him though he knew he could still be killed before the Death Eater departed. He looked into his enemy's cold, hard black eyes with his soft blue ones as a wand was pointed at his chest.

"Sectumsempra!" a white jet of light collided with his chest and he was slammed into the ground from the impact of the curse. The Death Eater disapparated as blood steadily soaked Arthur's shirt.

Arthur lay on his back gasping for breath and experiencing agonizing pain induced by the curses. He wasn't about to attempt to stand. His wand was still ten feet away also. He tried calling for help, but he couldn't find the strength to vocalize his plea. Arthur would have to wait for someone to find him, so he clenched his teeth, tightly shut his eyes, and tried to steady his breathing in an attempt to ignore the pain.

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