Part 6: The Visitor

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I pretty much moped around all Saturday, not knowing what to do with myself. When night came, I was restless. My parents were out for the night and even though they did it all the time, it usually freaked me out. But I wasn't scared this time. The unknown was what was scary, and Kayla was more unknown than anything.

On the way to the kitchen for some snacks, I walked to the darkened patio door. Normally I would be frightened to look out a window at night, not knowing if someone was out there looking back in, but I felt hope. Hope that maybe someone was out there looking for me. I was drawn towards the door, and I couldn't control my legs. I placed my hand on the glass and brought my face to the door. My hot breath steamed up the window. As I stared at my own cloudy reflection, and as my eyes focused on my face, behind my face, I saw another one staring in at me.

"Crap!" I yelled, jumping back from the door and almost bolting out of the room. It was Kayla, looking in at me. She brought her hand up and rapped on the door, then smiled.

I stepped closer to the door. "What are you doing here?" I mouthed through the door.

"I don't sleep much," her muffled voice answered. "Are you going to let me in?" I froze. It was one thing to be fascinated by her, but the thought of having her alone in my house made my skin crawl.

"Um, I don't know if I should," I stuttered.

"Oh, come on Lani, it's not like I'm a vampire or anything." Kayla grinned madly, which freaked me out even more. It was the perfect time to ask her what she was, but the words couldn't escape my lips. Against my better judgement, I slid the latch on the door and let Kayla in.

The breeze carried her sweet smell. It wasn't mint. It was something richer and darker. Like chocolate. "Show me around," she said, taking my hand. I was uncomfortable, but the warmth of her hand in mine put me at ease, just a little bit. "Where is your room?"

I led Kayla up the steps, and when we got to my room she let go of my hand. She stood in the middle of the room and slowly turned in a circle, taking everything in. I stood in my doorway, watching her. She stopped spinning and moved closer to my book shelf, reading the titles there, and then she sat on my bed and looked at the belongings on my nightstand. My eyes tried to see what she was seeing, but all I saw was my alarm clock, the book I was currently reading, and a list of writing ideas. I noticed on the list I had scribbled Kayla's name with a question mark following it.

"What are you thinking," I asked, worried that she was angry that her name was on the list.

"I'm thinking that you are a very interesting person, Lani. So much more interesting than most people I know. You seem to have a depth that I'm not sure I could ever reach." Kayla turned and looked at me. My eyes studied the floor, uncomfortable with her observations of me. "Why do you do that?"

"Do what?" I turned my back to her, looking at the black paint chipping away on my fingernails. When she didn't answer I turned back around and met her gaze.

She studied my face. "Why do you always look down?" I looked around at my room and then at the floor.

"I'm not good with people staring. I don't know why they would want to look at me." I looked at Kayla. She was quiet, like she was thinking to herself. Her gaze was excruciating.

Kayla patted the bed next to her. I obediently joined her, my hands were sweating, and I hoped she wouldn't take one. She moved close to me, closer than I would have sat next to her. "Tell me about you. I want to know everything."

"I..." I stuttered, not knowing where to start. Kayla sensed my discomfort and placed her hand on my knee, and I could feel it smoldering through my black leggings.

"Tell me about your parents." I began talking about my parents' jobs, which twisted into stories about my childhood. After that, Kayla probed about my writing and my hopes for the future. I talked about embarrassing moments, being an outcast at school, and all the while Kayla listened. I continued talking, uncovering a trail that led me to where I was at that very moment, and by the time I was done spilling everything, Kayla and I were laying facing each other on my bed and it was 3:00 am. My eyes were getting tired, yet Kayla was fully awake.

"I'm sorry," I said, rubbing my burning eyes. "I'm kind of more of a morning person."

"Oh, I've kept you up late," Kayla said, sitting up, concerned. "I guess you probably need your sleep. I should be going anyway."

We both left my room and made our way down the steps. I walked Kayla to the sliding door and as I grabbed the handle to open it, I felt regret. I had talked to Kayla the entire night but had not gotten any closer to understanding her. I slowly pulled the door open, trying to find words. Kayla slipped out before I could open it all the way. She turned and leaned her head back in.

"Thank you for sharing, Lani. I feel like I learned so much tonight." I didn't know what to say. I wasn't ready for Kayla to leave, but she turned to go anyway.

"Wait!" I called out. Kayla, turned back to me, surprised. "I..." again I was stupid for words. Kayla's mouth broke into a half grin. She stepped boldly back into the house. I stumbled, but she came closer. Her hand found its way on the small of my back, and she pressed herself against me. Kayla was slightly taller than me, and she leaned down, her soft lips gently touching mine. I was awash in that rich, sweet smell, and I held my breath, afraid that if I let it out, the world would change. Then, Kayla's lips parted and her warm tongue gently parted my lips. Her taste was even sweeter than her smell, and a small sigh escaped me. I felt her press against me, with a hunger that frightened me. I tensed and her soft kiss changed. It suddenly felt like she was devouring me, yet I liked it. It almost felt as though she needed me. And then, just as suddenly as she had closed in on me, she pulled away.

"Sorry, Lani," Kayla smiled, wiping the side of her mouth. "I shouldn't have done that without your permission." I was lightheaded and dizzy, and I wasn't sure why she was apologizing to me.

"It's okay. I...I liked it."

"I know, it's just... I don't want to take anything from you that you don't want to give to me. I should go." Kayla turned, and I was suddenly frightened that once she disappeared out the door and into the darkness, that I wouldn't see her again. Then, almost as if she could read my thoughts, she turned back. "Don't worry. I'll see you soon." Kayla bounded down the steps and was gone.

I locked the door and turned away, suddenly afraid that someone would see me watching Kayla go, or that Kayla would see me watching. I returned to my bed and stared at the ceiling. If I was in love, I would have no idea because I had never felt it before, but it felt good to know that someone cared about me. 

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