Yandere Noodle X Male Reader

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((Noodle is the bass player for the well known band, Gorillaz. Now, this is her in Phase 3, Phase 4 is just too um... Normal. She looks like just how she did in the album Plastic Beach. Well... enjoy?))

Your name was (Y/N!) (L/N!) and you were the innocent neko boy that all the girls practically drooled over. Most guys your age were interested in sex, parties, and getting into trouble. Well... you were the opposite. You mainly cared about music, studies, books, and just being the most well mannered neko boy there is. You are 16 years old and you work at a butler Cafe, it wasn't your choice for a first job, but the the tip is extremely good. Most girls tip you better then they do the other "Butlers", because you look so cute in your tuxedo. Lets get back to your story of how you were um... "Cat-napped". You were washing dishes in the kitchen, because they don't let you cook after you ate all the fish. You had your headphones in, listening to music as you swayed your tail and hummed along to the tune of the song. You kinda lived at the Cafe, considering you didn't really have a home. Or parents. You felt someone tap on your shoulder, so you took out a earbud.

Boss: Hey (Y/N!), really rich girl is here with her bodyguard. Go work your magic little guy.

You: Y-Yes sir!! I'll do my best!!

You put your earbuds up and straightened your bowtie and walked out the kitchen and over to the booth that she was sitting at... she looked odly familiar, but you cant put your finger on who she is.

You: H-Hello madame a-and welcome to the Cafe! W-what can I g-get for you today?

Noodle: Awww you are so kawaii!! I want a cup of coffee, extra creamer. You want anything, Russel?

Russel: You got waffles?

You: Y-Yes sir w-we do!! How m-many do you want??

Russell: Oh. I don't like waffles. I don't want anything, little guy.

Noodle smacked him upside the head and bitched at him in Japanese. She looked back at you and smiled.

You: W-Wait, aren't y-you the bass p-player of Gorillaz?!

Noodle: There you go, cutie!! And yes I am.

You: O-Oh yay!! This best day ever!!

You hugged her and your tail swayed faster and she kissed you on the cheek. You lept off of her and covered the spot on your cheek where she kissed you. Your face turned bright red as you ran back to the kitchen to make her coffee.

Russel: Was that really appropriate? The boy is probably having a nervous break down.

Noodle: Oh shush, I know this boy. He's (Y/N!) (L/N!), I stalk his Instagram.

Russel: You need help. Like, really badly.

Noodle: Just follow up with the plan.

You came running back with her coffee on a tray with a napkin neatly folded next to it. You put it down on the table infront of her and she smiled.

Noodle: Aren't you supposed to get the creamer, draw a heart with it in my coffee, and say "I hope it pleases you, mistress!"?

You: N-No ma'am I dont t-think so..

Russel put a wad of money in your tuxedo pocket and you nodded, drew a heart in her coffee and...

You: I h-hope you enjoy y- your coffee, Mistress Noodle!!

Noodle smiled, and took a sip of it. Some change fell out of her purse, so being the nice kitty you are, you kneeled down to pick it up. Russel dropped a sleeping pill in the drink, and you came back up with a handfull of change.

You: H-Here you go miss!! I h-hope i got i-it all..

Noodle: Aww thank you, (Y/N!)!! Can you taste the coffee and tell me if you think I need to let it cool down?

You: Y-Yes madame!!

You took a sip of it and, well, as soon as you swallowed it, you dropped like a sack of dirt. Russel picked you up and Noodle reached inside her bag, and pulled out the same Tommy Gun that she used in the music video for Melancholy Hill. She started to shoot up the cafe as the song "Pumped Up Kicks" played in the background. After that fateful day, the neko (Y/N!) (L/N!), was never seen again. Poor little guy.

Yandere Females X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now