A letter to end

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To my dearest,

I miss you.

I miss you to that point I'm dying;
Dying but couldn't die.
Just in that process
Of so much pain,
So much stabbing,
And cutting,
And piercing
Of knives and blades—
So much bleeding.

I miss you.
I miss you to that point I'm dying;
Dying but couldn't really die.
Just in that process
Of  burning in flames,
Taking down my world,
And my body,
And my heart
Into ashes—
So much like hell.

I can't take this,
But you can now take your freedom.
Yes, I'm letting you go.
I give up.
I'm giving it up all;
My memories of you,
My dreams with you,
My life for you.

Let me say good bye;
End all things connecting to you,
But because
You are my life,
I'll end it too.
Maybe; finally,
I'll be
Out of that process.

And no more of missing you.

And no more of missing you

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