Chapter I

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Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter

November 23, 1979: Godric's Hollow

"You're sure about this," James asked for what had to be the ninth time,"maybe you're just getting fat." That comment earned him a whack on his head.

"Of course I'm sure you arse," Lily snapped,"I went to the healers last week, they confirmed it. I have a baby growing inside of me." She explained as though talking to a five-year-old which wasn't that much off considering how he was acting.


"Ok," Lily asked,"what do you mean 'ok?'"

"Well we're having a baby aren't we," he asked then cheekily stated. "Proof that I got you to sleep with me." James received another whack for that comment and more yelling from his pregnant wife.


July 31, 1980: St. Mungos Hospital

"Padfoot, for the last time we are not naming the baby Prongslette," James said in an exasperated breath to his best friend.

"Oh, come on Prongs," Sirius whined. "Do you not love me anymore?"

"We are not having this conversation again," James said, "Lily and I have already decided on a name, and Merlin knows how long that took." He recalled thinking about the hours spent arguing before finally choosing a name.

"Okay now that the lovers' spat is finally over," Lily murmured. "There is a reason we wanted you to come here." She stated before they could continue the conversation knowing it could take ages. Lily sometimes wondered who was more of a wife to James, her or Sirius.

"Yeah Pads, we wanted to know if you'd like to be godfather," James asked Sirius.

"Wait really," Sirius questioned, "because you do know I suck arse at taking care of things. Remember my cat from first year; Merlin knows what happened to him. And remember the plant in fourth year-"

James cut off Sirius' nervous rambling. "Yes really Pads your my best friend and I can't think of anyone better for the job," James stated honestly.

"Well if that's the case then," Sirius replied, "of course I'll be her godfather. Now can I please know her name." He begged.

"Sirius," Lily began, "meet Adelaide Jaime Potter." She held out a small, frail baby with tufts of light copper hair on her scalp and green eyes. "Your goddaughter."

Sirius took in the form of his goddaughter. Her eyes a bright green like Lily's that seemed too aware of what was going on around her. That moment Sirius made a silent promise to himself to protect her no matter what.


April 15, 1982: Godric's Hallow

In the living room of the Potters house stood a 23-year-old man crouching under an invisibility cloak. His daughter is sitting in front of him giggling while he peels the invisibility cloak off says peek-a-boo and repeats the motion until his wife enters the room. "James," she started,"are you playing with Addie and the invisibility cloak." She sighed, "Don't you remember what happened the last time you did that."

Memories of trying to find Addie for hours after she disappeared under the invisibility cloak, crawling around the house started flashing through James' mind. "Yes I remember love, but that's not gonna happen this time," he stated.

"Oh really," she cocked an eyebrow,"well where is she then?" She watched as her husband turned around and stared right at the ground only to find nothing there.

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