Gender, Sexualities And All Things Rainbow

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I know for a fact I am a panromantic. I know pretty much for a fact that I am greysexual (which is the same thing as graysexual and pretty much the same thing as grey-asexual)(I am also thinking of changing from greysexual to grey-asexual).
Though I'm not quite sure what gender I am. At the moment I always say that I am gender-blind, but I feel that I don't entirely connect with that. I know I don't need to label myself with a gender, but I sort of want something that I can identify with.
Some information:
I was born in a female body. I do not feel the need to change my body into any other gender, though I feel like I would also have been content in a male body. I do not conform to society's expectations of either gender. I do not really fit into a certain one each day. I hate it when people assume or call me a girl or a female, yet I use feminine pronouns. I am completely fine when people call me a fangirl though, as I don't really think that is just reserved for females. When our teachers split us into genders for sports and empowerment days and things, I always go with the girls, yet get quite agitated at the teachers for not recognising the other genders.
If any body has any ideas or suggestions at what gender I might be or could possibly identify as, please comment. If anybody says that there is only two genders, I will have to verbally abuse you ^-^
Thanks for taking the time to read all this.
Peace out!
I can't believe I just said peace out.
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