Chapter 1

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I sat with my knees to my chest. My long bangs covered my eyes. I heard footsteps directed towards my door. I slightly peered threw my hair to the window. The white coat didn't notice. He was holding a light brown clip board. That means visitors 'who wants to see me I was outcasted nobody knows who I am I'm a lost file'. "Hello Patient 237" he said. He was a bit nicer than the others but he was young and new him didn't know me and how depressed I am. It's disgusting how people can be happy around me. "Detectives would like to see you" he said sweetly. "Why I have nothing to offer" My voice low and raspy. Just then two men walked in. One was older and one was my age. Nothing interesting about the old one, but the other he was beautiful I mean the most beautiful I've seen in 5 years but he was good looking. "Hello" the good looking one said. His voice was sweet like the white coat. "You can see shinigami correct" he followed up. "Normally you would take a girl out before asking about her 'problems'" I said. "But you should already know that" I said still with my head in my knees. "I have to ask you would work with me" he said. "What" I was taken off guard. "I'll be willing to offer you a deal" he said.


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