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It's raining suddenly and I didn't have an umbrella with me because it was sunny in the morning today and there weren't any sign of black clouds in the sky.

It has been 3 weeks since college has started and I already am starting to have work load and pressures. I have to submit my essay due this Friday and it's already Monday and I haven't even started it yet. I actually wanted to discuss it with Alsha (my desk partner) because that girl has mind blowing brain storming power and I didn't have any idea about the topic and she won't let me use Google because she is awesome like that so I was on the way to her home as she had promised to help me in this. But it's still 15 minutes walk from here and I don't think I can walk in this heavy rain so I entered the nearby coffee shop to pass my time by reading some book and sipping the hot coffee as this weather is perfect to do so.

As I entered the coffee shop it seemed familiar, is it.... oh my, it's the same coffee shop where Alsha took me the first day after we became " friends" telling me that it's a superb place because it's so peaceful and all but the first thing I saw, was him. It was him, I could tell that even after four years because of that brown hair and hazel eyes the body structure and the way he moved, it hadn't changed a bit. As far as I remember after that day I haven't come here because of the fear of being face to face with him. I know him very well but I doubt he even knows me. So with the slight fear of crossing path with him I walked slowly to the table in the farthest corner of the shop like I used to sit in my school so I could steal the glances of him without him seeing me.

I was settling down at the table praying that I don't have to see him while I am in shop but see, the god is trying to make a joke out of me coz I saw a boy with dark brown hair coming towards me, ugggh those hazel eyes seemed to be looking at me; it gave me an unusual sensation in my body. Even though it wasn't an earthquake I was shaking and when he came in front of me and bowed it felt like my breath has been caught in my throat and I couldn't speak I just kept looking at that tall boy with brown hair and hazel eyes who had plastered an unusual smile in his face.

I am freaking out for nothing. Calm down Nora he might not even know you just calm down and sit straight. I did as my brain suggested and took some long breaths and I too smiled looking at him.

"What would you like to have ma'am?" He asked me in a casual voice.

If he had noticed me freaking out he didn't showed it he just kept looking at me with that fake smile and amused look like he knows who I am and wasn't expecting to see me there.

"You used to go to Downtown school right?" I couldn't stop myself from asking the familiar stranger who is taking my order because I was too curious to know about him.

"Yeah I used to but I left at high school , ma'am now leaving my personal life can I take your order please" he replied through the gritted teeth giving me a blank stare as if he's remembering the things that had happened in the past. I wasn't satisfied with his answer but I didn't scratch the subject again and replied with the answer he wanted.

"Yeah I'll have a regular coffee please and make it decaf."

"Thank you ma'am, your order will be here in five minutes." He said bowed and left while I kept staring at his disappearing figure.

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What do you think about the story so far? What do you think about 'him' and Nora? Please comment and vote and let me know what you think about the characters. :) ;)

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