Missing part 3

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Heres part 3

hope your enjoying it thus far..

>w< I'm having fun writing this . this will be the last parter the next chap will be a new chapter owo


Sans Pov:

I was driving like a mad man wasting no time at all to get where i was going "plz still live there" i said taking a sharp turn down a street. The others not far behind me as i pulled up into a large drive way that had a gate and call box.

Pressing the button "i need to speck to Asgore and Toriel" i said waiting as the gate opened and to pulled in with the others in toe.

As I pulled up to the front door two large goat monsters stood outside the door on the front patio "its good to see you G" said Asgore. Toriel walked forward " what bring you here with all your friends its been what 11 years since we have seen all of you" she said looking at me.

I got off my bike and looked at her " do you know where asriel and chara are held up" i said worry in my voice. They both looked at each other "oh dear, what have they done know" said Asgore placing his hand on my shoulder " they took someone very important to me and id like her back her names frisk" i said gaining a surprised look from the two of them "frisk....I-I thought she died when we all got freed" said Toriel tearing up.

I looked a little confused at them "w-what" I said as everyone looked at them " Its been a while so i would understand non of you remembering the little girl that freed us all from the underground all those years ago" Asgore explained " we all thought she died when the barrier broke....she must of been berried under something why we didn't find her after" said Toriel as I looked shocked remembering that little girl all that time ago "s-she does look a lot like my frisk" i said looking at Toriel " she would be about 19 now and her birthday would have just pass..." said Asgore.

My head hurt as I thought back to the last time I seen the kid all those years. Even back then i had feeling for the kid....back when I was just Sans instead of Gaster Sans.

Toriel placed her hand on my shoulder " if the boys have her then this isn't good" she said looking at me worried "why what can they do the barrier is broken for all these year" I said looking at her " well dear she is frisk after all and she does have the most powerful soul" Toriel said looking down sadly.

Asgore looked at the others "I dont dout there going to try to kill frisk or at lest try to get her out of the picture because they blamed her for freeing everyone and breaking our family apart" he said looking rather sad.

I growled at his words " that's the thing I don't think she remember any of us" i said gaining another look from the two " that must be why she didn't seek any of us out after that day her memories must be locked away inside her mind" Toriel said looking at me.

I stepped forwards "either way please tell me if you know where those two are at" I said pleading to the two " any information would help" said Undyne and Alyps together. Pap put his hand on my shoulder to try and confort me.

Toriel looked at Asgore with her hand slightly over her mouth " Asgore and I would love to help b-but" she said getting cut off by Asgore " we have not seen are you worthless sons in 10 years since they heard wind of frisk being alive" he said looking to the side " we thought it was merely only rumer of her being alive but..." he stopped looking at Toriel " if they where any were they would be at the old building where all the monsters where first housed while they made us homes" he said writing down the address.

Frisk Pov:

this was crap why did they kidnap me only to just embarrass me like they where doing "what are you even trying I'm a cop you know...you'll get thrown away for a long time for this" i yelled the two ignoring me. Soon though the human male looked at me " why don't you shut the fuck up frisk...i can tell you don't even remember anything do you piece of trash" said Chara with a laugh. I shuttered at it,it making me feel sick.

Why did they seem so familiar like i had know them before. Chara soon walked over to me and with a sinister smirked "don't worry though we'll help you remember the things you've forgotten" he said with a sickly grin as he ran the sharp knife along my leg causing it to bleed slightly....

Sans Pov:

I took the address from Asgore and bolted to my bike but got stopped by pap "NOW BROTHER THINK THIS OVER NYH YOU CANT JUST GO RUSHING IN" he said looking me in the eye.

My one eye was glowing bright yellow as I was angry as hell but pap was right i couldn't just burst in there....they could kill her on a moments notices which that thought angered me even more.

Nudging away from Pap I hoped onto my bike not caring there wouldn't another second wasted I made my mind up and I was going with it as I started up my bike I zoomed off in a flash. Teleporting away from everyone so I could do this alone.

As I reappeared on the highway I growled out loud just thinking of the laugh from Chara....."you bastard"I yelled driving like a mad man. Soon it seemed like hours had passed and I pull up to an abandoned building ready to kill........

" Hold on dove I'm coming"


sorry for yet another cliff hanger again >W< I promise this will be the last one for a bit






or maybe not mawhahahah XD

G is so pissed XD

he just wants his woman lol

chara is going to get it for hurting frisk

owo only spoilers ull get

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