One Nightmare At A Time (Part 4)

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Nightmare Chica (Charlotte)
I was probably the calmest out of everyone but I mean I was worried I met her when I got her with Benjamin and Frank.
I walked in and they knew as they both started to protect her immediately I closed my claws into a fist they both reached for her but she somehow dodged it without moving and they both fell onto the floor I grabbed the back of her shirt and yet she still remained calm I glared down at her but when her blue eyes calmly met my red ones I instantly calmed and let go the other two by now were on their feet watching us confused I was as well on how she did that too me she turned away and to a shelf where she had a hibiscus but we immediately recognized it as Hailfrost's or Frost's hibiscus that she gave to a young girl the two then became one
"Frost and Faith as one"I murmured she looked at me at that moment and nodded one of her eyes were cyan and the other was blue she looked away and stared at the hibiscus.
I wandered in circles having nothing better to do right now Fake had somehow climbed onto my shoulder so I stopped and he looked at me I didn't meet his gaze I still felt guilty about how I treated her when I first met her I finally met his gaze after a few minutes he blinked and pointed down a path with his tail I started to walk down it without meaning too but I couldn't stop so I took over the walking and continued following the path to a beautiful clearing I looked around in amazement Fake jumped off my shoulder and when he was on the ground he turned human I fell back in surprise, he stepped foward and caught me with one arm and pulled me back up.
"thanks"I said quietly he just nodded his green eyes glowing in the dark since it had become night when we reached the clearing I looked around a bit more my red eyes glowed too he held his hand out to me I took it and he pulled me gently to him I didn't know what to do and I was a bit scared.
"relax Charlotte."he murmured gently I slightly relaxed at his voice he started to rub my back slowly and I relaxed more I could feel his gentle smile and the glow from his eyes had gone to a soft green glow which calmed me I leaned more into him and he wrapped his arms around me I closed my eyes slightly and we remained like that till dawn we watched the sun rise through the trees and we walked back to the others.
"why did you do that?"I asked him quietly he didn't answer for a moment.
"you're my friend and I know you're worried but she'll be fine."he answered quietly then shifted into his ferret self and climbed onto my shoulder as we got to the castle again.

S/N-Fake and Fern are siblings their main form is a ferret but they just leaned they can turn human.

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