Y.A.M ( 4 )

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A/N: I am sincerely sorry for a super, mega, late post!  But, my testings are almost done and i'm trying to post everyday or every other day.  Also, I got some volunteers for editing.  Just waiting for a reply back :} but please enjoy this chapter.  Not yet edited! <3 Thank you so much for your patience.

Chapter 4

I walked down the quiet streets with my hands shoved in my jean’s pockets.  I felt like I had been walking for hours and questioned myself, where’s the damn grave site!?  I kept looking back -geesh, it is scary at night- to see if Jorge was following me.  After dinner, I couldn’t stay another second in that house.  The image of Casey’s room made me lose my appetite, so I made an excuse about my roommate and left the house.

I still remember the words he called out to me before I turned the corner.  He told me, “You’re always welcome!” Although his gesture was heartwarming, I didn’t accept.  How could I accept?  It still made me furious he decided to invite me back into Casey’s life after she’s already dead.  Yet, I can’t help but feel a great bowl of sorrow for them.

I was so lost in my thoughts that I bumped into a wooden sign.  I rubbed my sore arm while reading the sign, which said, Malcolm Cemetery; Open from 8 a.m. – 12 a.m.  My eyes began playing tricks with me, as I imagined ghost walking around.  It must’ve been a mother thing, as I pictured Casey by my side.  She blankly stared at me, without blinking or breathing.  Although she showed no emotion, there was a hint of sadness behind her eyes.

“I caused you so much pain…didn’t I?” I asked.  I blinked, and she was gone.

It was chilly, so I wrapped my arms around myself and ambled towards the empty parking lot.  I spotted my buggy in an instance and picked up the pace.  One foot after another and my pulse got faster.

I couldn’t help but remember another time when my heart beat was this fast.  So fast, that I just wanted to die.

I walked down the high school hallways with my hands wrapped around my showing stomach.  My head was held high, avoiding all the disturbed looks being made at me.  The girls were either snickering or worrying for me, while the boys gawked at me as if I was steak. I felt like my heart was about to explode! Embarrassed, I pulled my jacket over my stomach and disappeared into the girl’s room.

Luckily, the last girl in the bathroom brushed passed me as I entered.  She too stared at my stomach. I walked up to the clown mirror, dropped my tan bag, and stared at my reflection.  Everyone had stared at me as if I was the new kid in school.  I still have the same long, wavy, brown hair that I always put into a side fish braid.  I always will have emerald eyes glued to my face.  My sense of fashion defiantly hasn’t changed, just a size bigger than usual.

The only thing different is the living thing inside me.  My parents made it sound like it was a sin.  Not what I had done, but what is inside me.  I didn’t let them get to me though.

“I…love…you.” I determined to convince my child.  I rubbed my hand around my belly with gentle care.  The only thing that matters to me is that my child knows it was born into a world where people cared about her.

The bathroom door opened and I overheard the words, "Did you see her?"

Of course all the chuckling and gossiping was dropped when the girls noticed me.  They all stared at my stomach before looking me straight into the eyes.

“Hey, Elena.” The curly, black haired girl greeted.  I recognized her voice as the one who made the previous comment.

“Hi.” I softly replied.

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