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The room went dead silent at the words spoken over the phone. Everyone began looking between one another as I kept my glare fixed on one point.

The ground.

"I was just there..." I whispered quietly to myself. But because it was so quiet, everyone heard my weak and hoarse voice.

"We're sorry for your loss," The man on the phone spoke as I felt a single tear stream down my cheek. 

"Sabotaged?" Toast asked softly while picking up the smartphone.

"It's hard to describe... I hate to say this, but you almost need to come see it..." He spoke as I felt my insides twist in knots.

  I don't know if I can go see.

"We're on our way," Toast spoke before hanging up the call.

"Sabotaged...? And you were just there...?" Toast spoke softly as my eyes widened.

"You can't actually think he did it," Ghost spoke softly as I wrapped my arms tightly around myself.

"But I do..." Toast growled as I felt my heart fall and shatter into a billion pieces.

"We'll just have to find out, won't we?" Gavin spoke while snatching a set of car keys off the counter.

"C'mon..." Ghost whispered to me while linking arms, knowing I was too frozen to react to anything.

  Please tell me this is a bad dream. And I'm gonna wake up any minute now and her warm body is gonna be wrapped securely in my arms. She's gonna smile up at me with her flawless white teeth and stare at me with her gorgeous green eyes.


  I snapped out of my day dreaming when I heard a car door slam shut, me sitting in the back seat with Mike and Ghost while Gavin drove. Toast placed in the passenger seat.

  Nothing was said.

  The entire car ride was silent. The only sound was Mike anxiously tapping his foot.

  And I couldn't blame him.

  What felt like hours and hours drug on, which actually turned out to be fifteen minutes, we were in the hospital parking lot.

  Mike and Toast were the first two to hop out and practically sprint to the door as Ghost helped me stay upright. Fear was shooting through my veins as I tried really hard not to black out or break down.

  I was slowly losing my mind all over again.

  I can't lose her.

  Ghost put my hood up and pushed my head down, knowing that people would ask less questions that way.

"Here we are..." Toast's voice snapped me out of my trance as the four of us looked up at the door.

  The door that I just used about twenty minutes ago.

  Gavin slowly twisted the doorknob and pushed the door open, leaving us staring at the crime scene.

  My heart stopped.

  And I could no longer breathe.

  Her pretty tan skin was now a snowy white color. Her eyes were open wide, the green faded and a milky white film glossed over them. Her lips were faded from their lively pink hue to a paler tone.

  This wasn't her. This was merely her shell.

"I was here twenty minutes ago... A-And she sat here and smiled at me... T-Telling me she was gonna be okay..." I whispered quietly to the others in the room as tears streamed down my cheeks.

"If I would've just stayed..." I choked out, feeling my broken heart shatter all over again.

  Because they weren't words anymore.

  She was laying dead right in front of me.

  So many tears escaped my red eyes as I heard Toast gasp, making everyone look over at him.

"Liar..." He growled while staring dead at me. His words stung, yet I had no clue what he was talking about.

  At least, I didn't until he took a step away from the bed, allowing the rest of the group to stare at her IV and heart monitor, seeing it all torn up. Cords cut and slashes in the screens. And jammed in the center of it all was a knife.

  My knife.

  I felt dizzy while glaring at the scene. This can't be right. Surely not.

"Wasn't you?" Toast snapped as I shook my head and more tears fell.

  I was framed.

  I looked back at Angel before seeing blood covering the white sheets.

  That didn't make sense.

  If they sabotaged her, then there wouldn't be blood.

  I carefully picked up her limp wrist, more tears falling when there was no resistance against my hold. I carefully overturned her arm, seeing something that made my blood boil.

  'JC' was jaggedly carved into her wrist with my knife.

  But that's not what I do to my victims.

  And I only know one person who does that.

  Jeff the Killer.

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