Chapter 2

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*Echospirit kept scratching the bars of the cage* "Hey, I would like to inform you that there is NO way out" *A scratchy voice called. She sat down and signed* "Your right, I'm never gonna get  back to FogClan" "FogClan? Are you one of the clan cats?" *He asked* "Uh yeah" *The tom purred a amusement* "By the way, I'm Echospirit and you are?" "Jetter" *Jetter said* "Nice to meet you Jetter" *She said starting to lay down*
*Soon the monster stopped. A Two-Leg opened the door and light poured through. He grabbed Echospirit's cage into a den. There was other animals like dogs, birds, mice, and even other cats. She was put in a open area that was surrounded by very clear and hard water with other cats.* "Hoi, there's a new kitty. Why what's your name?" *Echospirit turned around seeing an old brown tabby* "Err, Echospirit" *She said* "Then we may call you Echo. I'm Buster" *She tried to act happy but she couldn't* "I can't stay here, I need to find a way out" *She said*

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2017 ⏰

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