Chapter 2

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Aidan's P.O.V

  "I'm bi Devon, you probably thought I was gay because we're dating. I was going to tell you earlier but I was to scared." I finally told him but, I feel like it was a bad idea to tell him. I was trying my best to hold back tears, even tho I failed. He got up and hugged me. I loosened up and I let myself cry. I needed it... I needed him. When i'm at school and he doesn't come, I feel so lonely. I never realize how much I talked to him and needed him. I felt bad for crying right in front of him.

   "No you are." It felt awkward hugging him this long so I needed to have a another blanket for my floor bed so that i'll be comfy. I asked him and he said yes. When he went down to get me a blanket I was furious at myself, I walked around in his room for a little bit, hopping that it would calm me down. Back and fourth, back and foruth. I didn't want Devon to see me like this so, I ran into the bathroom to calm myself down. I splashed sink water on my face then went back to Devon's room. When I got in there I saw that he was laying down. He said goodnight to me and I said it back. I went to my floor bed to put my blankets on me and I fell asleep a half-hour after I closed my eyes.

  **6:30am in the morning the next day**

  Right after I woke up, I got my phone to check the time. It was 6:30am. Devon was still asleep so I made sure that I wasn't going to make any noise and not wake him up. I layed down on my floor bed, staring out his window, I was watching the sun rise. The sky was already blue. A deep blue, like the sweater I wear to school.

   When I turned around I saw that Devon was waking up. I know that I have to do something that will make him laugh but first I will let him get up. Then I will tickle him! He turned around and his eyes were half open. I was completely awake.

  "Hey sleepy head." I had to say that to him but he knows i'm joking.

  "Shut up. It's early in the morning." I ran and jumped on his bed. I sat right next to him. I went to my phone to see one new message from Messager. What is this about? I didn't open it just in case it was a mistake. I looked at it, I didn't open it and Sasha sent it to me. When I turned around to my right side to see that Devon's head was on my shoulder, he didn't realize that I was looking at him. I turned off my phone and it on his bed side table. I yelled tickle fight!

Author's note: the next few paragraphs are going to be really bad so I apologize

  I was the first one to tickle. Right when I said tickle fight I knew that Devon wasn't going to enjoy it but I was going to do it anyways. I tickled him on his right side and he got me in my arm pit.

  "Aidan...stop." When he was saying that he was laughing at the same time too. I was moving around, trying to make sure that he couldn't tickle me back. I ran around his room a little bit more then I jumped on his bed. I got myself exhausted. He jumped right after and sat right next to me. He pushed me but I didn't fall so we were trying to make each other off the bed. For the sixth time he pushed me I almost fell over. It was terrifying, it's like when you go down the stairs and missing the last step. I pushed him for the seventh time and he fell down. When he was falling he took my hand and he took me down with him.

  "Come one man. What was that for?" We laughed then we looked at the position that we fell in. I fell on top of him. I took advantage of this and I locked my eyes with his.

  "Surprise!" He said in his chokey, morning voice. Why did he said surprise? I found out when he kisses me on the lips. I missed his soft, light pink lips. Even though it was a quick kiss that doesn't mean that it was good. We moved off of each other. Devon went out of the room so that he could get a shower.

  When he left the room I went to get my meds form my book bag. I couldn't find them, I searched more and more but I couldn't find them at all. I was getting worried and scared now. Did I pack them? Did I lose them? If I lost them Devon would probably know. He was still in the shower so I couldn't ask him. I looked at my arms, all I saw was the shame form last year. I still get the pain, one of the only ways to get rid of it is to cut myself again. I'm trying my best to stop it but, when ever I do something it just comes back. Theirs one person who stops the pain when I hangout with them.

  This is why I need Devon, that's not the only reason I hangout with him, he's a really nice person. The pain magically goes away when I hangout with him. He's smaller than me but that's fine, I don't give a crap. I got my book bag...again, to put cream on my arms so that I could hide THEM. Devon just got out of the bathroom. He was completely dressed plus, his hair was done.

   "Devon, do you know were my meds are? I searched in my bookbag and I couldn't find them." He looked confused when I said it. I probably didn't pack them.

  "Well...I didn't see the bottle around so I guess you didn't pack them. I'm staving, i'm going to the kitchen to get some breakfast. Are you coming with me?" I said yes and I kissed him on his forehead then we went to the kitchen and we got some breakfast.

   When we got are breakfast I sat right next to him with the biggest smile I could make. I called my mom to see if I left my meds at home. She said yes.

  "I left them at home," I said. He was confused of what I meant. I cleared it for him.

  "I...Left...My...Meds...At...Home." A sigh of relief came from his mouth.
  "Good, I would've freaked out if you didn't."

   I went up to the bathroom to get a shower. I got my clothes but, when I moved them I saw the razor blade that I kept in my book bag. I just stared at and I didn't want to pick it up either. If I did I had the possibly of cutting myself again. The memories started to flow back in, the fresh blood escaping from my body. I didn't mind the pain when I did it. It's nothing to worry myself about. I know that it was a mistake from the past that I regret so badly, but, at the same time I don't. I would do it again. When I was ready for school my arms felt like my bones where slowing breaking off my body.

  We ran out the door, hopping that we wouldn't miss the bus. He held my hand when we were going to the bus stop but he let go and the bus stop. Why did he do that?

  In the concer of my eye I sae the bus coming, maybe that's why he let go. I got all nervous all the sudden.

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