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Rick Riordan is amazing, sadly I am not him. :(

OKAY. SO NOW ITS 2K READS. I AM LITERALLY FLIPPING OUT. THANK YOOUUUUUUUUU!!!!! okay. I'm good now. So thanks for the wait, I've been having trouble lately with school and other stuff, so ummm, yeah!

Anyways, STORY TIME.

Percy's pov.

Annabeth and I skipped school today, we're badass, to go play capture the flag at camp! I can't wait to see my home! I drove Annabeth in a car that we "borrowed" so hopefully I can get it back to the person. She gave me a disapproving look, but soon we were at camp and my rebel actions were forgotten. She literally jumped out if the car and ran up half blood hill to Thalia's pine tree at the top.

"CMON SLOW POLK!" she yelled jumping like an excited two year old. Then a scream was heard from behind her. She turned and the smile wiped off her face. " PERCY. HURRY!!!" she screamed grabbing her dagger from her hip. I grabbed riptide and uncapped it to reveal my awesomely awesome celestial bronze sword. I ran up the hill to see a battle was going on. Hellhounds and earthborn were everywhere. Plus a hydra and a Titan.

Oh joy! I sighed and looked at Annabeth. Together we ran down the hill, killing everything in our paths. Mrs. O'Leary wasn't around because of all the other hell hounds and I didn't want my dog to get hurt.

Annabeth ran right for her siblings and I went to help around...well...everywhere. A few campers were fighting the Titan, which i later discovered was Krios , the Titan of constellations. He was a complete jerk by the way. Though 4 campers were fighting him, only one main person was doing damage and was actually beating him. And it was a girl. I ran over to help, but she didn't need it. She used her sword and dagger not as weapons, but as an extension of her arm, and it was made to destroy. She used techniques that I've never seen before. And eventually, she stabbed her dagger right through the center of the titans neck. And he melted back into Tartarus. She turned and I gasped. She looked so much like Annabeth it was scary. I ran off to help other people, and eventually the last monster was killed and a cheer sounded into the sky. Then someone spoke up.

"Someone summoned them into camp, the monsters. Now it's best to speak up now, before I find out the truth!" the girl that beat Krios yelled.

"It was Percy!" Clarisse yelled."he was just jealous that I'm a better hero." I stood shocked, not knowing what to say. Then the other girl spoke up again.

"No he didn't. First, he and my sister just got to camp, second, he's a far better hero then you'll ever be. Pipe the F down. A real hero helps his friends and puts they're needs before his own. you, onn the other hand, only care if yourself; dunkin' new kids, the campers that are already scared enough, heads in toilets. Youre an awful person that needs to learn how to shut up. You'll never be the hero Percy is, so if anyone would betray camp like this, it would be you." The girl finished and everyone's mouths dropped open. No one has ever spoken to Clarisse like that! EVER! Conner and Travis yelled "APPLY COLD WATER TO THAT BURNNN" at the same time and everyone else started saying OOOOOOOOOOOO. I even heard Leo yell in the background "SMACK DOWN!" which made me smile a little. It made me upset though. I don't even know that girls name, yet she stood up for me like that.

"Now. Everyone just get ready for capture the flag. Athena is with Hermes , Apollo, Dionysus, ares and Hephaestus. The blue team is Poseidon, hades, Aphrodite, Hypnos, Zeus, and Hecate. Get ready." Annabeth said. I stared at her.

"But I wanted to be on your team!" I complained hugging her from behind. She folded her hands into mine and turned her head.

"Oh. Poor you." she said smirking. I spun her around really fast and stared at her. " Why are you looking at me like that?" she asked.

"Because youre beautiful. I've never seen someone as pretty as you." I said smiling at her, and She blushed. I smirked and moved my lips onto hers. They danced in perfect sync, and they fit together perfectly. She smiled under my lips and put her hand on my stomach. Mine stayed on her waist.

"Whoa there! THERE ARE LITTLE KIDS AROUND YOU TWO. KEEP IT PG!" that girl yelled. Annabeth pulled back and blushed. She hugged the girl.

"Sorry." She said. She whispered something else and the girl whispered back. They did this a few times and ended it with small laughs. I was completely confused.

The usual I suppose.

"if you want to, you can sleep in Percy's cabin. I'll tell our siblings and the rest of camp something so rumors don't start. I'm just saying for after the game." Annabeths sister said. we both smiled and thanked her. I gave Annabeth one last kiss and then walked off to make a plan for the game  which we had no chance of winning.


Update: Wednesday, August 19

lmao. this one wasnt to bad. still shitty though.
keep on readin.
tell me how i can fix stuff

and yeah

peace out.

Percy and Annabeth; Love Will Not FailTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang