Thanatos Eaters- What the Hera?!?!

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I own Xelina

With I groan I stretch my back. It pops. Loudly. What's strange is I didn't even have a single dream last night. Not even a demigod dream. Which is very unsettling.

Then the headache starts. It's my Fathers way of summoning me to the throne room. I'm down there in no time.

Guess what I got. A quest. Yay. I'm now standing her listening to a Galdalf cosplayer explaining something to me. "Are you ready"? He says. I snap out of my daze. "Y-yeah". I say holding the duffle bag my Father and Hecate gave me.

It's bigger on the inside. It has all the (Demi god)things I will need on my quest. For some reason it has my charger for the DemiPhone Leo gave to me. Then I realize, the darn thing is in my pocket.

Harry's PoV

I hear a loud pop. I rush out of the kitchen with Hermione and Ron to see a girl talking with Dumbledore. She has a aura of death, darkness, and power. "I'll see you on September 1st". Dumbledore says before apperating away.

"Well. That was new". The girl says raising a eyebrow. "Who are you". Sirius hisses. "Names have power. Therefore until I know yours you will have to figure it out yourself". She says Siriusly.

"Well why are you here"? Molly questions stepping in front of us. "I have no clue. You'd have to ask Doubledoor I think his name was". She says. "Dumbledore". I say anger in my tone glaring at the girl.

How dare(Rachel Elizabeth Dare) she insult Dumbledore like that.

"Why is mini Percy glaring at me, if you could call that a glare"? She says. Who's Percy? Must be a deatheater. "Percy is...well Percy. And Thanatos eaters"? She questions laughing. Did I say that out loud. "No. I can read minds". She says still chuckling. Suddenly white hot anger fills me. How dare she just get into my mind.

"Xelina"? One of the twins says in shock. "Hello Fredrick". She says a soft smile crossing her features. "OH MY (Blurred)!!" He yells before all but trampling us and pulling her into a hug tears streaming down his face George following. "We thought you were dead". They say softly. "The same can be said for you". She snaps sarcastically. "I have a feeling we should run". George says. "Damn right you should". She laughs chasing them and Hermione. "What the bloody hell?" I whisper.

"Wait so Draco, Luna, Neville, Sevvy, Clarrisse, Will, Nico, Lee, Blaise, Pansy, Hermione, you two Idiots, and the Stolls are coming to Hogwarts this year." I say smiling. "Yep". Hermione says popping the p. "I am going to beat the ever lovin shit out of them".

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2017 ⏰

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