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I have depression and suicidal thoughts i can't get enough of depression I've been getting very distance from everyone i haven't been talking to people that much, i always wanted to be by myself  in my room listening to sad songs that will make me cry. But then I've started thinking about killing myself and that would make people feel better that i was dead but then i keeping thinking to myself maybe i should cut myself and i did i felt good but bad about it but then, my family said that do care about me but voices in my head are saying that it was a lie and that i should never trust people on what they say to me cause if i do then people would think I'm weak and i know I'm weak. I've never been so depressed that I couldn't think of happy thoughts cause my past life was hell and the past still follows me around like a lost puppy or like a ghost that was still looking for its body to have a second chance. I've given up on fighting my depression and suicidal thoughts i just let them take over and i hope one day i won't have to suffer from depression and suicidal thoughts.

My advice to you is don't let your voices take control of your head.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2017 ⏰

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