Party hardy.

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I lived a quite normal life. I lived in upstate New York with my mom and dad. They both worked in a tall, glass building that gave me Eire feelings each time they walked in. They were very busy. Rarely did I get a kiss on the cheek each night before I went to bed. But I still love them with all my heart. I was a great student and did my best in school. I've lived here my whole life so I basically know everyone. I am in 9th grade and lots of my friends were older then me. I don't know why, or how it happened, but I fit in more with the Older kids. We all had lunch at the same time so I sat with my friends. "Hey maya, there's this party tonight. You should totally come with us" said Reilly. Maya said "Oh bet. How are we going to get there?" "Well I-" *there was a deep voice that came from the back of Reilly and interpreted her*. Ryan shoeman appeared and said "aye I got you. I'll pick you's up" A rushing feeling went down my spine. Cringe I said to myself. "Yeah we'll meet at my place" said Zander. Ryan walked away from our table. "Well that went easier then expected" I said. The bell ran and and I walked into my hallway.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2017 ⏰

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