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His sanity was forced upon him when he'd caught the eye of the prince. Prince Lotor to be exact.

He arrived in his life with a flamboyant flip of his white hair and tore him from the dark life between fights. From then on it was delectable dinners and decadent, if not revealing, clothes.

But it wasn't what Matt wanted. He hadn't saved him, he'd-

"Matt, I do hope you come out tonight, I'd love to see you. And maybe a thanks for saving you from the ring is in place?" Lotor called from the other side of the door. Matt sat in quiet contemplation, he didn't know what Lotor wanted, just that it wouldn't be good for him. After a moment, he slipped on the mostly see-through clothes, a full body leotard made with white lace, and stepped out of the door.

Lotor raised a brow, a smirk playing at his lips. "You look lovely."

Matt had his arms folded over his chest and sat down at the table, keeping his blind eyes down. He didn't want this. He didn't want Lotor. He'd rather be back in the ring eating barely anything except that nasty slop they provided. Because Lotor didn't want to fight. That's not what he was interested in. No. Lotor wanted something entirely different, something Matt didn't want to give.

"Oh don't be like that, doll. Lotor's gonna take care of you." He lifted his chin to make him look up at him, his pointed teeth making his supposedly kind smile look dangerous. Matt couldn't help but think, 'Snake. Run.'

"So you could fix my stupid leg but couldn't conceive how to fix my eyes? Even humans can do that." He muttered, arms still crossed, uttering his first words of the night. He regretted speaking the moment the words fell from his mouth. Now Lotor would know he could speak. Now he would want him to speak.

"And it speaks. Tell me, what are these?" He traced his finger gently from freckle to freckle, inspecting them with keen eyes. "They're gorgeous. I absolutely adore them."

Matt cast a glance around the room, considering whether or not to reply. The room was large, with obsidian black walls arching up to a ceiling 30 feet in the air. It also held a slight purple glow that seemed to follow them everywhere in this kingdom. Though the minute details were blurry to say the least. Despite that, the table was rather well lit with warm light, enough so he could see the man in front of him clearly. Though his closeness should be factored in as well, as Matt could only see clearly for about a foot before everything started to blur. Tall, at least two feet taller than he was, and well built. To the other Galra, Lotor probably looked frail. But here, Matt was the epitome of frail, no matter if he'd built plenty of muscle mass in the ring. Still, he could take Lotor just as easily as he'd taken any of the others. "They're called freckles. They're basically clumps of melanin from overexposure to the sun. Melanin is the human defence against the suns rays." Talking about science made Matt feel a bit more comfortable in that desolate environment. "So some bodies don't produce an even coating of the melanin... I guess. And some humans are born with more-"

"Boring." Lotor cut him off. "Let's talk about you and I." He ran a finger slowly down Matt's chest. "What do you say?"

"No." Matt looked at him with dead amber eyes. "Never." His eyes flitted down, to his arm, wondering if he could end this now, if this could all be over. But the usual glow of his arm had disappeared into a cuff restraining his powers. He was defenceless.

"Ah, well, you should at least eat." Lotor got up, returning to his own spot and starting to eat. Matt slowly followed suit. He'd been starved, though he wouldn't admit it. He ate quickly and stood. "May I be excused?"

Lotor eyed his guest silently with a little frown. "They're not even looking for you, you know that? The Paladins? They don't care. Least of all your sister. Once you get a taste of the power that Voltron holds? Well everything else fades. They don't care about you, Matt. Not anymore." A vain attempt to get Matt to want to stay. Perhaps he could treat him right. Perhaps Matt would want to be his king so he didn't have to take more... drastic measures.

"You don't know anything about them." Matt barely recalled. What did 'the Paladins' have to do with anything? All he knew is the name Shiro, and that whoever that was would never ditch him for power.

"I'm just saying. As long as you're stuck here, you may as well enjoy yourself." Lotor raised a brow, the ever present grin slowly creeping up his face as if it was trying to escape.

"Not with you. I'll be your eye candy, if that's what you get off on. I'll eat your stupid food. But when it comes to being yours? Forget it." Matt retreated to his room, closing the door behind him.

Lotor watched the door for a moment before a subject muttered, "that could have gone better."

Lotor pinched the bridge of his nose, then looked up with severe violet eyes. "I'll get what I want." He growled and stood, stomping off to his own chamber and pulling out a blade, sharpening it slowly, while staring menacingly in the direction of Matt's room. How could a simple human not want someone as stunning as him? He was a prince. Who wouldn't want that? He could have anyone in the kingdom, anything he wanted. But all he wanted was Matt. And Matt didn't want anything but to be free.

He picked up the well sharpened knife and stalked towards Matt's room, this time, determined to get exactly what he wanted... or else.

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