Chapter 1

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One thing first, I'm sorry I didn't keep to my word I'll make it up to you all.  Enjoy the first part of the story !!
                                 Chapter 1
     Sang's P.O.V.

I was dreaming, it wasn't like my normal nightmares this was different I somehow ended up following a  young woman she ran between the trees at night I saw  her long waist length wavy blonde hair in the moonlight.  I followed her into a set of woods that went on for miles right as she was about to turn to me.... 


 I woke up with a start and confusion as to what the nightmare could mean. I glance at my alarm clock and noticed it was 5: 30 am and realized I was late to making breakfast and doing my  chores. then  I changed my clothes real quick and hoped that mother wasn't up yet. when I was walking down the steps my heart dropped when I heard my mother yell  "you little bitch get up or else your punishment will be worse, you should of been up and had breakfast ready !" 

  "Sorry mother I'm sorry I was late I'll be  down right away."
 So this is how my day starts for a Saturday, as I head down the steps to the kitchen I still can't help thinking what my dream meant. I shrug my shoulders and start breakfast for Marie, dad, and mother. Normally,  I would eat whatever was left since I'm not allowed to eat with them  but today since I woke up later than them I won't be eating until dinner. School was starting next week and we had just moved to Charleston, South Carolina; In a two story grey house on Sunnyvale court. I made them sausage, pancakes, and eggs. I served it to them without saying a word after I was done doing that I sat down with my head down until they finished their breakfast. As I gathered the dirty dishes I was walking away from my mother, she grabbed my arm and yanked me down so she could whisper in my ear 
"once your done washing the dishes  and take out the trash get the rice and bring it to me. And don't talk to any males or anyone ."
She let go of my arm so I could do what I was told. Marie and dad left and so it was only mother and I. I finished the dishes and then took the trash out it was the first time I was outside since the move  it was a breezy and sunny day.  I walked the trash to the end of the sidewalk on the curb and looked up and saw the neighbor he waved at me but I  looked down remembering mother's words. I practically ran back inside so mother or Marie couldn't see me and increase my punishment. when I got back in the kitchen I grabbed the rice from the cupboard  for my punishment. I handed to her and she poured it on the floor and told me to kneel in it until she said I could get up. I did as I was told and kneeled down and decided to stare at the floor while I waited. I was wondering how long she would make me stay here for as I heard her soft footsteps walk to her bedroom.  I was waiting to hear on when to get up but I realized she fell asleep but I continued to wait until my Father came home to dismiss me. Two hours later  Father came in and barely glanced my way and told me to go to my room for the  rest of the night. I headed up to my bedroom after I cleaned up the mess and my knees. Then when I got to my room I softly closed the door behind myself and decided to organize my room a bit which wouldn't take long since I only have necessities which is okay with me. after I finished organizing my room I turned on my stereo and played one of my Cd's I burned that I put a mix of my music on. I grabbed one of my books and decided to read being careful of my knees. My mind kept wandering to the neighbor boy across the street if it wasn't for the fear of mother or Marie finding me talking to him or even interacting with him I would of waved but I was nervous because of the other possibility of him being a ax - murder or rapist and killing me because all men are that way. The sun was setting when I looked out my window I glanced at my clock too and saw it was almost 6:00pm I put my book down and went to the kitchen so hopefully I didn't get in trouble but Marie was already in the kitchen along with my mother, mothers face was filled with rage I was really scared.

"I'm sorry mother I -"  

"Don't say a word, you were probably whoring around and you haven't started dinner yet after this I expect you to come to me for your punishment. " 

I nodded my head and went to say I was sorry and not whoring around but she slapped me for it so hard tears sprung to my eyes and she told me to get moving before the punishment gets worse.

I got out the pot and the ingredients for taco soup and cooked it. When it was ready I served it to them. after that father came in and sat down to eat too and I made myself busy with cleaning the counters and organizing so mother doesn't get angrier with me.
Once they finished I cleaned up and washed the dishes mother stood and watched me like a hawk and  I was starting to shake with anxiety and dread for my next punishment.
"Sang, for not being down here and whoring around I'll teach you not to speak to males again i cant have you tainting Marie with your whorish ways and for whoring around and being lazy twice today you wont eat  until I tell you you can "
I kept my head down and tried to control my breathing as I heard her gather the vinegar and lemon juice from the cupboard and fill the glass. Once she mixed it she came over to me
"drink it, it will teach you not to speak so you cant whore around anymore ."
I didn't comply and open my mouth  so she roughly pushed the cup to my mouth after she pulled my hair to yank my head up. It burned so much as it went down my throat it turned my stomach and I knelt down and threw it up if anything it burned worse coming back up. she make a disgusted noise 
"Clean this  up and go to my room for the rest of the night and I  shouldn't hear anything from your room at all. hopefully you've learned your lesson."
 I walked upstairs after I finished cleaning my mess and I was shaking so bad I sank to my knees halfway up the stairs, as tears streamed down my face. I forced myself walk the rest of the way up to my bedroom  I made sure to set my alarm clock for the next morning earlier than normal so I wasn't late again. I went to my bed and cried myself to sleep after reading a little bit. 

                      Kota's P.O.V.

I was out walking max when I saw the new neighbor's daughter and waved to her she looked at me paled and glanced down and almost sprinted back inside. My smile melted away into confusion. after I  walked max back in I was organizing my classes for the Ashley Water's mission and did a check - in with the rest of the guys and then went over the event from half an hour ago. The more I thought about it the more uneasy I got, I mean she could just be shy but shyness wouldn't cause someone to pale and look at me with pure fear in their eyes. after the check - in I texted Nathan.

Kota to Nathan -

" Hey Nate, do you know the new family that just moved across from me ? Well I saw the  new neighbor's. Blonde daughter I waved at her and she paled glanced down and ran in the house, she was terrified and I'm getting the feeling something's going on. We should keep our eyes out for anything suspicious, I'm gonna inform Mr. blackbourne too and see what he wants us to do . "

  " Yeah Kota, that's  strange and abnormal behavior I'll keep my eyes out  we should try to become her friend some day when we see her ."

Kota- to Mr. Blackbourne -

"Mr .Blackbourne, I waved at the  new neighbor's blonde haired daughter when I was bringing Max back in from the walk and she paled and looked down didn't return the wave and ran back in the house. Her face was full of fear and she was terrified, what would you us to do about it ?"

"Thank you Mr. Lee for informing me of this matter just try to see what to can find out and if you find anything else out make sure to tell me. We need to make sure we keep level headed for this mission for our team and the school as well. have a good night."

"Ok Mr. blackbourne I'll make sure to tell you of anything else right away. have a good night as well."

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