The new school

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( heh guys lazybonez here I'm not using my real name so I'll use my nickname ok ok bye ) *birds tweeted in the background * uh? W-what time is it 6?!? Wow I have never woke up this early for school? Hm * one hour later......dogs run into room* AHHH!!!!! "Wake up cookie!!!!!!! It's the first day of school!!!!!!!!"

I've been awake for a hour? " oh really? Wow well get dress!! " ok hmm I'm so nervous tho mom " it's ok now hurry!" Ok ok! *30 mins later * " ok you ready? " (sigh) y-yes! *gets in the car* "don't worry ok you'll be fine" b-but what if n-no one likes me l-like I'm the new girl! " so you'll make new friends and have fun! Ok so don't worry " hmmmm! Ok I feel like I'm going to throw up ( hey Lazybonez here sorry but when I talk in my head it will have •••• and when a teacher talks is ---- ok bye )

*gets out of car and goes by some door on the side * " hello? " -oh yes! May I help you? " yes do you know where mr. b's room is? -ah! Yes right there - " thank you  now go on cookie " hmm!! O-ok *walks into class room* • hm! Oh no don't tell me I'm late!!! Oh god• *puts up backpacks and sits in a random desk by a nice looking girl * • e-everyone is talking to someone I'm g-going to throw up >•<.......*looks at name tag On desk *wait this isn't my name? Oh no I'm in the wrong desk!!! I'm going to die! *looks around * why is that kid laying under his desk?!! Hahah • -ok class - * teacher looks at the kid on the flor* -Rylie! Get up! Jeez- * class laughes *

                  ..... to be continued:3......

A girl named ________Where stories live. Discover now