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* bloops on bed* (sigh) today was a good day I'm so scared for tomorrow uh * goes down stairs * " are you excited for tomorrow you're going to ride the bus!" Yay! Im not ready! Please don't make me go ;-; "sorry but you have too \_(-v-)_/ " Uggggghhhhhhhhhhh in going to die on the bus " your going to be fiiiiiiiiiiiiine" ok I trust you * goes up to room* (sigh) I don't want to go back I feel so.....lonely there like no one likes me just cuz I'm.....n-new (sigh) whatever let's draw that helps... hmm what should I draw.... ah! I know I'll draw me and my friends! My other friends th-that I know a-and love (sigh) I miss them so much I don't really like it up here :(

To be continued

Sorry guys that this is really short I forgot what happened for the next few months I'm trying to remember sorry!!! 😓 * bows down* sorry!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2017 ⏰

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