Mini chapter 1: Ciel.

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Part 1: Ciel
Ciel the former king, of planet burst. Father of Kaila, the current princess and Metal fighter. This is his story.

Ciel's POV.

I am Ciel The king of burst I don't know where i am. I know that I am not dead, though. I Don't know if i will be saved ether. But I wish to tell my story. I was born under dark circumstances. My father the 38th king, was a kind and great man. He allowed the Element storm to go off planet, to guard the nexus points. This however was a lie to conceal the true reason they left. I cannot disclose the true reason, not yet... For now, a little back story on my parents.

Burst Prince's don't have regular marriages like the rest of burst. We have arranged marriages. Not very bright for a progressive planet. But My father, King Cohan, fell in love with a peasant, Kaily Ace. Even though we'd come a long way. Some good people were on the bottom rung. They were childhood friends, turn lovers. She was the daughter of one of the castle cooks. They met when on my dad's 5th birthday. When he went to the kitchen to get some food. He saw her helping her father, she looked back and smiled. They became friends when my dad let her come to the party. See was bullied at the Party for not being Royal-like. My father stood up for her. They became inseparable after that... When She turned 15, My dad now 16, He gave her the best present. He had gotten her into a great cooking school. It was a few continents away from the capital continent. Remember Planet burst is ruled by one king and the conceal of 3... She was sad that they wouldn't be able to see each other often. He was sad as well. That's when they both confessed their love for one another... Then they did something forbidden. They shared a kiss.

In burst culture, a princess's first kiss is supposed to go to his future wife... But his was pick out for him already... Meti was from a rich proper family. She treated anyone with less money like they were nothing. Dad could never love her. In fact, he couldn't stand to be near her, she was that bad. My mother and father, tearfully went their separate ways, so he could become King and She could become a master chef.

About 10 years later, on my dad's wedding day, I was conceived. My mother had fulfilled her dream and was now catering the royal wedding, much to my father's dismay. Meti insisted due to My mother being the best chief on burst. Meti had toned down a bit and was a bit nicer. but still a bad person. Still thinking some people were beneath her. But my mother wanted to see him again. Even if she couldn't be with him. Just to see him would be enough. My dad escorted her outside. They quickly ditched his security. He wanted so much to kiss her and show how much he loved her. But he knew if she was found out She'd be banished.

So, he instead Told her he didn't love her anymore. Saying it was just a childish infatuation. She however knew he was lying and demanded the truth... That's is when he couldn't hold back his feelings and kissed her. She kissed back and cried, because she knew they could never truly be together. That's when my father broke the ultimate taboo. He took her to a secret Hiding bunker. And well You know what happens when two people are alone... When they went to go back they were caught by Meti... She was very angry. But agreed not to tell on 2 conditions.

1. My mother Leaves and must stay in the Bad Land (a very Poor island.) and never return.

2. My dad's memory be wiped of every trace of my mother.

My dad was enraged at her and tried to threaten her not to tell. But my mother stopped him and agreed to the arrangement. She didn't want him to suffer any more. He begged her not to go. She Cried and knocked him out. Meti took out a special gadget to wipe his memory. My mother asked why She didn't take her memory as well? Meti said you should suffer for your crime. What better way than to have the one you love not to remember you... My mother hatred for that women grew that day. Meti whipped his memory. She sent fake Emails to her employers and friends saying she was Going to the bad land to help. Then teleported my mother to the bad lands. The only semi-kind thing that women did was send her supplies and a large amount of money. But she had an artery motive. It was to keep My mom's mouth shut. So, when my dad woke up He and Meti married, not knowing about his true love being gone. My mother watched the wedding on a laptop in the supplies. She cried on the broken bench she was setting on. She Shut the laptop in disgust of that women, and in sadness of her love marrying someone else. She started looking around the place she had been teleported. It was a bad neighborhood. Not as in crime bad but as in homeless and dirty bad. She was saddened. Not for herself, but for the people here She knew she had to help this place. She located and bought a place using a bit of money. Using a portion of survival money. bought a building, bought all the necessary paper work, and bought Lots clothing for many of the poorer people of the bad lands. She even used her money to Help get cleanup crews here to help the bad lands become something beautiful. In a matter of three weeks that bad lands had turned into a great place. My mother created a high-class soup kitchen/Help center to help anyone on the island. This inspired many people to stand up and create their own future. In mater of 3.5 months She was voted as the leader of island. The island Known as bad land was renamed. Tierra bendita (Blessed Place.)

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⏰ Última actualización: Jul 15, 2017 ⏰

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