《date day》

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Sungjin: takes you on a stroll along the Busan countryside, holding your hand throughout and never letting go of it. Takes pictures of you at nice spots and silently admiring your beauty

Jae: brings you on a surprise trip to his hometown in California for a few days. Feeds you American snacks and pays for them. Pampers you with so much forehead kisses and backhugs

Youngk: ice skating trip, him holding you close to his side the WHOLE TIME. Hot choco afterwards at a cute cafe

Wonpil: karaoke jam session, him singing cheesy love songs to you. Arms wrapped around your waist tightly the whole time and his lovely voice making you fall for him even more

Dowoon: playing Mario kart over at his place with a fluffy blanket over you two, orders pizza and your fave drinks.sneakily pecks your lips when you win.

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