《as classmates》

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Sungjin: most matured but funniest Everyone calls him dad cos he's so caring and nice. Most sweet to you and offers to carry your books.

Jae: the most popular kid who sits at the back but is super friendly to everyone. Says hi to everyone even the discipline master.
Extremely noisy is an understatement but is very approachable and is always there for you when you need him

Youngk: the most good looking guy in class. Everyone (including guys) fall for his gorgeous looks no kidding Gives you a candy bar every week without fail because he secretly likes you

Wonpil: class chairperson. Looks quiet and shy but once you get to know him it's a never ending fun. Brings a cake on his birthday to class and shares cos sharing is caring
Sings for you when you two are together alone

Dowoon: your seatmate in class. Both of you enjoy chewing gum in class so he always bring a wide variety of flavours of gum which he will only share with you. Calls you when you are absent cos hes super worried
Overall the fluffiest boi in class

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