The Oath

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(A/N) hey guys this entire book is dedicated to Jay, Jackson, Matt, and Faust who play the characters from Thrilling Intent! If they read this, woohoo! If they don't, eh! My friend might be able to post this on twitter to them and they might read it!!!!!

      The Alaran island rain came down on the group in sheets, drenching them all. Markus's black cloak was sopping wet, so he peeled it off and carried it over his arm like a fancy waiter with a napkin. Firi's red cloak was also soaking, as was Ashe's brown one with the leaf pendant clasp. Thog wore a cloak similar to Ashe's, but only a tie to hold it closed. Gregor, however, refused to wear a cloak for some odd reason, despite Markus's protests.

  They were in the town of Ivory, on the northern coast of Alaran. A huge rainstorm had blown in in the past hour, and Ashe insisted they find a tavern to rest in instead of some shabby inn. Firi tried to explain that usually inns were nicer but Ashe shrugged it off.

"Ah, Ivory Rose Tavern, looks just lovely!" Ashe said with a sarcastic smile. The wooden sign was hanging onto the wall by one chain that was rusting away by the day. Thog wore an uncertain look.

"Ashe, are you sure about this?" Thog asked.

"Shut up, it's fine. Let's go!" she proclaimed, undoing her cloak and walking into the bar. Firi shrugged and followed, and Thog just shook his head and went inside.

Gregor grabbed Markus's hand and pulled him in behind Thog.

The group had laid their cloaks on a rod in front of the large fire, and apparently Ashe had ordered three pints of mead for herself already. Firi took a glass of diluted ale, because if she had anything stronger who knew what she would act like. Firi got drunk very easily.

Markus grabbed Gregor's shoulder and pulled him aside.

"Gregor, when we were outside, did you hear anything like a baby crying?" he asked. Gregor arched and eyebrow.

"No, all I could hear was Ashe and the rain." he told him. Markus's gaze shifted to the left of Gregor and scratched his head.

"Huh...must've been my imagination." said Markus, but worry was still laced in his blue eyes.

The rain pelted the roof in a sort of soothing, melodic way that had a seemingly calming effect on Markus, who was still tense from what he thought he heard outside.

Ashe had finished her three pints and was ordering another, while Firi was ordering her second ale. They were gonna get so drunk.

Thog was drinking as well, just not as much as Ashe was. He was having ales as well,  but he had a much higher alcohol tolerance than Firi, so his second ale didn't do much.

  Gregor was watching the fire and sharpening his long-handled glaive lovingly. Markus grinned. If that glaive was a person Gregor would be completely in love.

  It was about nine when Ashe and Firi said they were going to bed, and Thog followed to his own room shortly after. Only Markus an Gregor were left awake, and neither spoke a word until Markus split the silence.

"Gregor Hartway I swear I just heard that cry again!" Markus stated, standing in resolution. Gregor's head looked up and his face bore a questioning look.

"Here, come with me." the Tiefling instructed, holding out his hand to help Gregor stand up from the bench.

Outside, the rain had died down quite a bit, but Markus still wore his cloak, and again Gregor refused one. Markus was giving him the silent treatment now.

  The lantern outside the Ivory Rose dimly lit the front of the tavern, but the lights from inside helped.

Markus's hand lit up with a red, swirling vortex of magic that gave off some light. He motioned with his head for Gregor to follow him down the alleyway on the left of the tavern. The alley was almost pitch dark, so Gregor was thankful for Markus's magic. He always was, since it had saved the group from dying in quite a few fights, but he took extra thought to acknowledge it this time.

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