Rwyf wedi bod yn tagio

53 2 3

 Title basically means I've been tagged, in bad Welsh

I was tagged by Anime_4_life5. These are the rules:
1. You have to post the rules, even if it's just a screenshot of the past rules
2. You can't tag the person who tagged you back
3. You can't refuse the challenge
4. You have exactly a week to do this
5. You have to do it in a book, like this, not on a wall or in a comment section
6. List 13 things about yourself
7. Have a creative title ( I know mine isn't really, but I can't do creative)
8. Tag 13 people
9. Don't change the rules, at all!!

Okay, so we've got that out of the way now. Right... 13 things about myself... uh...

1. I am a quarter Welsh, though haven't been taught any of the language itself. I'd like to learn it though

2. I am English. You probably already knew that though. I'm from the North West where everyone thinks we have a really (quote) 'street' accent, but in reality, we barely have an accent at all. It's about a 4hr drive to London

3. I have just finished my GCSEs. For those who don't know, GCSE stands for General Certificate of Secondary Education. They are a set of exams that we take at the end of year 11, or 5th year, or just generally at the end of high school. If we don't pass, we have to take them again, and I don't find out the results until mid August, so fingers crossed

4. Over here, it is currently averaging on around 30 degrees Celsius, which is about 86 degrees Fahrenheit

5. I have a sister here (which most of you probably knew too) who is ChocoholicBezza

6. I have an obsession with tea. It's only 1pm here (13:00) and I've already had three cups!!!!

7. At the request of my sister, I have started watching Steven Universe, since four days ago, and am already half way through Season 3.

8. Apart from being a quarter Welsh, I have the most boring ancestry ever. Everyone is from England. Not just England, North West England, from the same city, from the same town, from the same village!!!!!!!!!!!

9. I have been learning French for the past seven years. However, in England, the schools set no importance on learning languages, so I barely know any. We aren't encouraged to know any other language, or to become fluent in any apart from English, so all I know is French!!!!

10. Some people class knowing how to say 'hello' in a language as knowing the language, so I've memorised how to say 'hello' as a starter to currently 15 languages

11. I am a figure skater and share a skating Instagram with two of my friends who I also skate with: cupofiiice

12. I have started writing a book (like, a normal book. Not a fanfiction!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) and would love it if people could read it and tell me what they think!!! It's called the Theurgists and is about magic!! Coz magic is great!!

13. I do say lots of stereotypical British words like bloody hell, blimey, blinking 'eck and sod. It makes people laugh mostly instead of being insulted.

Right, now for the people to tag:
Investigator_Kaz_APH (sorry for tagging you twice, I always get stuck here!!!!)

I didn't know I knew 13 people!!! Sorry to you all, it's literally just people I've talked to before, or anything like that!!

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