laser tagging

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its been a few months since Steve found Bucky lost near a lake. avengers agreed to help Steve teach Bucky about the 21st century like they taught him. even if it was hard, mostly because bucky wasnt willing to learn, he understood everything much better than steve.

most of his time Bucky would spend alone in his room, writing in his notebook. nightmares were less frequent but they were still there, and it bothered steve. tony would sometimes call bucky to his lab to get a closer look on his bionic arm, and try to talk to him. he used to think since bucky was a ladies man in the 40s that a couple of girls would make him happy, that is untill they came. bucky felt even worse, ashamed and hurt by tonys actions. the bruises on tonys face after steve hit him didnt really lighten the mood up. the only thing that made Bucky happy was when he could cuddle into steves, now big dorito chest, and fall asleep. 

clint and nat just got back from their laser tag game. they were sweaty but still laughing like never. celebrating their victory. thor was still wondering how fair is it that two of the worlds greatest spies battled against a few ordinary men and women. tony also joked how he would buy the place just to see nat and clint one against eachother. which gave steve and idea. 

a few days later steve excitedly went into buckys room looking for him. he knocked on the door and waited. "come in i am in the shower" was the response he got. he entered his room and sat on a big king sized bed tony bought as an apology. when bucky exited the bathroom steve was beyond flustered. all bucky had were some underwear that didnt really help steve calm down.      -damn i wanna ride those muscular thighs- was the only thing playing in steves head over and over again. he couldnt look away from buckys abs and his toned chest and his muscular arms and his sharp jawline and his.."dude whatcha staring at. sorry to break it to ya but thats gay buddy" steve was awoken from his daydreaming by buckys chuckle. "buck put something comfortable on we are going out". bucky just smirked "i dont know that much about 21st century dating buddy but i think you dont go in the middle of the day" steve smiled and lightly smacked him over his chest to which bucky responded with an overdramatized ouch. 

the ride was just them throwing 21st century dad jokes which is too cringey for me to write. 

once they arrived to the "laser facility" as steve called it each one of them took guns and gear.

"you see buck, i borrowed some of tonys money and booked this only for us"

"you mean you stole tonys money"

"details are not important buddy"

"game on punk"

"you got it jerk"

they had incredible amounts of fun. using their commando training they jumped from place to place, hiding, dodging, attacking and it eventually ended up by bucky being cornered up by steve. he felt the heat rising in his cheeks as the distance between them was so small they could feel their breaths combining. the sexual tension was so thick you needed a saw to cut it. bucky finally closed the distance by kissing steve. it was gratefull and experienced, light and romantic. till steve felt something on his stomach. -son of a bitch- he thought. bucky broke the kiss laughing, "guess i win stevie." as he started walking away steve couldnt look away from buckys perfect ass. bucky turned around and seeing what steve was doing he just smirked saying "thats gay bro.......but so am i". and started running. steve was at first startled but then started running after him. when they came to the door steve pushed it just to see avengers there smirking and chuckling. "you know bucky you couldve told me you were gay before i spent my money on those girls. AAAAAA ROGERS DAFUQ" tony tried to joke before steve threw a gun at him. 

later that night bucky and steve were cuddling in his room and laughing at all the good memories they had, sharing yet another lustful kiss. steve lightly nibbled at buckys bottom lip to which bucky responded with a moan. he opened his mouth for steve to slip him some tongue. damn he tastes good. they eventually break the kiss to get some air and continue cuddling all night. they are eventually found asleep. buckys back at steves chest and steves arm protectively hugging bucky. 

A/N - so this is my first ever fanfic so i hope you liked it and feel free to request more. fanfics of any kind. between two characters or a reader one. smut, fluff, angst. anything. my fandoms are

marvel movies

agent carter tv show

agents of shield

x men

harry potter

star wars 

the clone wars 

and ofc


thank you for reading and byeeeeee


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