chardonnay | 2

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assault and battery: a threat of attack to another person followed by actual attack, which need amount only to touching with hostile intent


What happened yesterday? What time is it? I have such a terrible headache. I'm too lazy to get out of bed. I guess Jess has already left the house. I look at my phone, it's ten in the morning. What do I have at this time of the day?  I look at my schedule, I have criminal law in forty five minutes, shit. I can't miss Mrs. Wilson's class, I need to keep on making a good impression so her firm gives me the job.

Well my interview did go well. We were out celebrating and I may have drunk too much. That's why I feel too hungover. Good job, Frederick. I need to get dressed and I guess I'll drink a cup of coffee in Columbia's campus.

I've parked my car and I'm sprinting to reach class. I notice another student's late too. A mixed race woman with straight hair, the unique Olympia Woods or should I say Forests? Lame, I know. I guess she was having fun with her fiance last night. I like to tease Olympia, it's fun. As long as it's harmless.

"Well, well, well. Olympia Woods is late for her criminal law session." I laugh but her eyes don't seem to be leaving the notebook in her hands. "Such a shame."

"Not your time, Frederick." She snaps, her eyes still glued to the notebook. What is up with her?

"What're you reading on that notebook?" I ask her, "is it some confession your fiance wrote? He's gay?" I snatch the notebook, they're criminal law notes. God, she's such a nerd.

"Give me the notebook. I need to revise. It's unfair to not let me revise these last moments only because you did." She finally replies, so mad she'll almost explode. "Or don't need to."

"Revise for what?" I'm so confused at this point. We don't have any tests, do we?

"Frederick, we have a criminal law test." Woods informs me. "Let me guess, you were too busy with your girlfriend, right?"

"Are you serious? Criminal law test? Today? Now?" I completely forgot. Well let's say goodbye to my future job. "How fucked am I?"

"On a scale from one to ten? Very." Olympia replies, looking at her notes. We've arrived. Oh god no. "Good luck." She runs to her assigned seat and continues to revise.

"Good morning class." Mrs. Wilson gets in class and we all stand up. "I hope you are ready for today's test as it may or may not be one of the most important tests of this semester." I look at Olympia and we both mouth 'fuck'.

Mrs. Wilson distributes the test and the closer she gets to my seat the more anxious I get. I can't stand my tie anymore, I'm untying it. Much better, but still not great. I really should get myself a planner to know test dates. Or, I could befriend someone who does. Not the time, Frederick.

"You may turn your papers. Good luck to all." Mrs. Wilson says. I don't want to look her in the eyes, I'm failing this test. "You have ninety minutes." I read the question.

Linda was raped and murdered during spring break. It all started when five college students wanted to have intercourse with her but she wouldn't agree. In fact, she wanted to sleep with only one of them. One of the students, B, changed his mind and left the room. A and C decide to forcibly have sex with her. Except, before C could do anything, he passed out because he was too drunk. Linda was too relieved she won't have to face that atrocious activity again, she passed out. D, the student she was interested in, decided that it would be alright to have intercourse with the unconscious woman. Linda woke up and started screaming. A didn't want anyone to hear her, so he choked her to death. After she died, the three boys spent the night at B's room so they wouldn't be caught in the same room as her dead body. The fifth student, E, has done nothing but watch and went back to his room. What crimes are the students guilty of? Are there any possible defenses?

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