The Letter That Changes Everything

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Chapter 1: The Letter That Changes Everything

It was just a normal day in the Arlington House. Mr and Mrs Arlington lived there with there adoptive daughter, which whom the loved as if she where there own daughter.

she went by the name Jack. But her real name is Jacqueline Lily Potter. The Arlington family was a rich wizarding family, even more rich than the Malfoy family.

Jack was sitting in her room one of the mansion the owned in Uptown-New York City when her owl, Zuma, came flying in the window. She quickly grabbed the letter attached to her owls leg, gave Zuma t owl treat and opened the letter.

Dear Jacqueline,

Father and I would like for you to come with us to the Quidditch World Cup this coming weekend. We would of course pick you up via floo powder. Please write back soon with the answer.


Draco Malfoy

Jack's POV

I drop the letter in my hand and run down stairs to ask if i can go. I already know the answer is going to be yes because they wouldn't let me miss out on a once and a life time opportunity like THE Quidditch World Cup!

I get down to the library where my parents are sitting reading. " Hey, Mom Dad. I just got a letter from Draco asking me if i wanted to go the Quidditch World Cup with them in England. Can i go please?" I ask as soon as i get into the room.

After the words come out of my mouth another owl that i don't recognize fly's in the window of the library. The owl fly's over to me and hands me the letter that sits in its beak. I open the letter and start to read.

Dear Miss Arlington,

I am pleased to announce that you have been accepted to Durmstrang Institute of magic . You will be a 4th year and will also be sorted with the first years on the first day back which is September 1st. All necessary idioms will be waiting for you when you arrive.

wishing you the best,

Igor Karkaroff

High Master

I look up at my parents and squeal. " I got accepted Durmstrang! I got accepted to Durmstrang!"

I run back up to my room and start to play some of my favorite muggle music. I start with Safe and Sound by Taylor Swift.

after that i put on on Style by the same person

Than i put on bad blood by the same artist.

Than i put on road less traveled by Lauren Alaina

Than i put on Behind these Hazel Eyes by Kelly Clarkson

next i put on Since You've Been gone by Kelly Clarkson

Than i put on Stronger by Kelly Clarkson

than i put on Breakaway by Kelly Clarkson

and lastly i put on because of you by Kelly Clarkson

After the last song i find my eyes tearing up. The reason I keep putting on to beak up songs is because my boyfriend, Luke Ross, broke up with me a few days ago, and to think he knows all about the wizarding world.

Luke and his family are witches and wizards, that is actually how Luke and i meet. I was walking through the park in Downtown NYC when i saw his wand sticking out of his pocket. So i walked up to him and said, " You know, you really should find a better place to keep your wand, someone could see it." That scared the hell out of him. He thought i was a muggle until i told him my last name.

after that we ended up going on many fancy dates. We where together for 2 years and than he goes and breaks my heart. Well, I will get over it because I still go over to the Ross Penthouse to hang with Zuri and talk fashion with Emma.

After i wipe up my tears i take out a piece of Parchment and write back to Draco.

Dear Draco,

I would love to come to the World Cup! I really need to get out of town for a little bite. Luke broke up with me a few days ago so i need something to get my mind off it. See you soon.


Jacqueline Arlington

I give the letter to my owl and she fly's off. After she is no longer in sight i pull on my favorite PJ's ans jump into bed.

just as i was about o fall asleep another owl fly's in my window. I groan and get out of bed and over to the owl. that's when i recognize it as Luke's owl, Jane. I roll my eye's and open the letter.

dear Jack,

I am really sorry for the way i broke up with you. I hope you can forgive me and we can be friends again.


Your Luke-Bug

I smile at this. Wow, this is the first time Luke has ever apologized for anything. He didn't even apologize after he dropped his smoothie on my brand new Calvin Kline Dress, and that Dress was not cheep, it cost $200 for that dress.

I write back with a simple:




as the owl fly's off i hop back in bed and start to doze off.

(A/N: This is the end of the first chapter! Tell me what you think and don't forget to



and Stay beautiful

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2017 ⏰

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