ten (final chapter)

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     After waving hi to some girls near the exit, I headed straight to the cafe nearby the studio. These past few days have been hectic due to our band's tight schedule. Concerts here, interviews there, my mind is going to blow.

    Pulling a beanie into my head, I dashed through the cafe. The mouthwatering aroma of coffee met my nose and my stomach took the oppurtunity to roar. Good thing no one heard. Although the cafe was not too crowded, it was pretty much obvious to me that the staffs were busy.

     Not minding their own businesses, I hurried to the counter and ordered myself a medium-sized latte, and another 4 for my bandmates. I am happy to tell that the girl in the counter doesn't recognize me because if she does, I'm screwed. Maybe she's not a fan. That's sad.

     When I was about to turn around and exit the cafe, a familiar, hard-English accent called out for me. The voice was so familiar that I could remember Cara calling me in the hallways wayback when I was still in high school.


     The day I left for the X-factor was the day I dreaded the most. Although the result was great, I still couldn't find myself smile and be happy because if leaving Cara was all it takes for a spot in the X-factor, better not. But my mum said I had to audition because it could be my chance to share my talent to other people. So I left.

     During the X-factor days, I didn't contact Cara. It was just heart breaking. I was afraid that anytime, in the middle of our conversation, I could break down and cry. That'd be very embarrassing. So I didn't. I thought maybe she'd be better off without me in her life.

     It was hard to concentrate in my practices. Cara's image when she was in the hospital kept on flashing right in front of my eyes. It kept on haunting me. I was damn hurt when I saw her helpless figure lying in the hospital bed, not knowing when she'd awake. But thanks to my bandmates, concentration was easier to achieve.

     Tightening my grip into my cup of coffee, I turned my head to the person calling. I was damn right, it was Cara. She's with a pretty boy. He was her age, I guess. I felt a tinge of jealousy. I guess Cara had moved on. Just by seeing the twinkle in her eye as she looked at him made me so sure that she really had.

     Trying my best to smile and look friendly, I uttered a faint hello and exited the cafe. Maybe, my love for her was best kept in history because once upon a time, I had been in love with a star I could never reach and it breaks me into pieces everytime I thought that I could've reached here before but I had let go of the oppurtunity because there was another oppurtunity that awaited me. And that was all it takes for me to be Starzoned.


* * I extremely apologize for the grammatical errors and for uploading this verrrryyyyyy late AND for the lame ending, I know. My laptop's broke last January, but now it's fixed. I'd like to extend my heartfelt gratitude to my wattpad friend, Diana (@monsoon) for reading and supporting this story lol. And to people who had been reading this story beacuse without you guys, I won't have the motivation to write this story. THANKS SO MUCH GUYS U DONT KNOW HOW MUCH I LOVE YOU ALL. 'TIL NEXT TIME. * *

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