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Full name: Zephyr

Nickname: Zeph

Gender: Female

Species: Harpy

Age: 20

Birthday: December 15

Zodiac sign: Sagittarius

Sexuality: Pansexual

Nationality (modern AU): Russian

Currently lives: Topaz Mountains

Relationship Status: Taken

Height: 5"3

Wingspan/hind legs height/length: 6"0 wingspan

Hair colour: White, light gray, light blue (albino)

Hairstyle: High ponytail, fluffy

Eye colour: Light blue (albino)

Skin/fur/etc colour: Pale (albino)

Tattoos: None

Piercings: None

Scars: Talon scratches on the backs of her thighs from a fight with another Harpy

Frequently worn jewellery/accessories: None

Personality: Hyper

Career (modern AU): Wedding photographer

Peaceful or aggressive attitude?: Peaceful

Special skills/magical powers/etc: Flight

Weapon of choice (if any): None

Partner/Spouse: Giza

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