~Chapter Two~

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The four elements agreed on attempting to work on controlling their abilities for future battles.

I watched in awe as Eclipse was gracefully spraying gray mist on the worn down targets we were practicing on. That grey mist, it had the strength to wear people out, made them dreary, almost asleep.
After gazing at Eclipse, I began to practice too. I leapt higher into the darkening sky, and fire, burning, scorching fire, came from my wrists. My bright red short dress flickered with smoke and sparks, lighting up the night in a matter of seconds. The fire lit up the targets, bursting into flames.
I glanced over to find Terra growing vines, thorns, really any prickly plant, from the ground, attaching themselves to the old targets, then finally pulling them to the ground.
Aubrey was crafting miniature tornadoes, knocking, and throwing them all over the forest. Us four Elements. Destroying. Flames, plants, wind, and shadows.

We made it back to the house at dusk. The sun sunk beneath the blanket of trees. And thunder began to crack across the sky. Tearing through the once peaceful scene.
I hurried inside, with the constant fear of getting wet.
Inside we ate ambrosia, the food of the gods. Terra drank much water, she needed it being the goddess of nature.
After devouring supper, my black military boots clomped over to my rock. Your probably wondering what this "rock" is. Well it's my bed, Fire can't burn rock. My black boots, yeah, their fire-proof.
My rock was lonely, cold, boring. I would lay on the hard stone every night. Dreaming about Vapor. Did I miss him, did I want to kill him, I honestly didn't know.
Aubrey always had known Vapor more than me, they were friends, but neither wanted to be any more than friends. But I did, well, I used to. But times have changed, tables have turned, Vapor only wants one thing, destruction of me, destruction of us.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2017 ⏰

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