; disclosure

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Lights. Laughter. Loud music. Yoosung was lost in the crowd, as 707 was probably off somewhere else, drinking, flirting, away from him in general. He couldn't take this.

Yoosung managed to escape the mob of people that surrounded him and finally made it to the kitchen area of the house. More people. Drunk people.

Not good...

Yoosung ran off to the corner of the room, taking out his phone in just a few seconds, rushing to text 707.

"Wher e a re yuo?!?:!:"

Yoosung sent the text. And another afterwards.

"Where are you???*"

A few moments later, after desperately waiting in the same corner, Yoosung's anxiousness began to fade when he felt a vibration in his back pocket and heard a text tone. It had to be Seven.

And, it was.

"I'm in the bedroom upstairs. No one's up here, sorry I didn't tell you. lolol you can come up, it's better, I didn't even feel like partying that much tonight anyway."

"Okay. On my way, 7!"

Yoosung hit send and went back into the fray, finally finding a way out again and rushing to the stairs, running up and tripping a few times. Upstairs, there were, of course, less people. But usually, people came up here for more private matters. Yoosung gagged, probably threw up a bit in his mouth. These kind of parties were never his thing. If it weren't for Seven convincing him to come with him, he wouldn't have gone in the first place.

"Which room, 7? There's, like, a lot of doors;;"

"Walk down the hall and make a right. In there. See ya soon"


Yoosung followed Seven's instructions, and finally found the right door; or at least he hoped he did. He approached it, took a deep breath, and twisted the knob.

To his surprise, he found Seven, just looking through his phone, probably working away from home again.

"Hey, Seven... Tonight's been chaotic, huh?" Yoosung took a seat on the edge of the bed Seven was laying on.

"Yeah. I thought it'd be a more... Chill party, I guess. I was wrong about that, on so many levels..." Seven rubbed his neck, looking off to the side.

"Sorry, Yoosung. You probably, really don't want to be here... It's pretty much my fault."

Yoosung shook his head quickly, "No, no, of course not! Don't feel bad, Seven. I mean, I'd rather be at home playing LOLOL or something, but I'm here, so..." Yoosung sighed. "I'm glad I'm with you, though! At least we can hang out as friends like we used to, right? That's not a bad thing."

Seven chuckled, looking back at Yoosung with a grin. "You're joking. I'm probs boring you as we speak."

"Dude, no! You're seriously fun to hang out with. Why do you think I came with you?" Yoosung asked him, waiting for a response.

"I dunno. Were you trying to flatter me or something? I thought you were." Seven shrugged. "I thought it'd be cool to hang and what not, but I didn't expect you to say yes. Thought you'd bail on me for LOLOL, I'm surprised you didn't."

Yoosung smiled. "I wouldn't do that to you, Seven. You know that! It's been so long since we've been together like this."

"... That sounded really gay, Yoosung. How much did you drink downstairs?" Seven joked, laughing.

Yoosung was suddenly offended in a way. "Hey–! You know I don't drink, Seven. I never have!"

"Easy, Yoosung. I didn't mean to trigger you... Okay, maybe I did. Just a little bittle." Seven smirked.

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