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I lying to Justin when I told him my mom was telling for cleaning my room,but when Justin ask me if I was okay I couldn't say the truth,so I left.
I need some time for myself tonight my mom is still at the netting in Spain and my sister is in Florida because her boyfriend.
Suddenly I hear the door, and it is Cameron.
M:What are u doing here? Get out!! I don't want see u more.
C:Listen Mel I'm sorry.
M:No get out!
C:Mel why u always make the things so hard.
He come closer at me.
M:Cameron! Get out now!
C:I know that u want this.
He started kiss me and taking my shirt off.
Justin suddenly entered the door and started punching him.
J:I think u don't hear her she wants you stop.
C:Let me go, bro!
J:Go away u piece of shi**!

Cameron was gone and I suddenly lost strength in my legs but fortunately Justin grabbed me and hugged me ,a  protective and loving hug and I began to cry louder and louder on his shoulder.
J: Shhh... Everything is going be alright.
I just cry and cry and cry.
After a while I stopped, and Justin took me to the couch.

J:Mel?What happend
M:Ca...Cam...Cameron he come to my house a few nights ago and he kiss me but I say stop and he don't understand and tonight he want more.
J:Oh Mel...
He put my head on his chest and we stay there for a couple of minutes
J:Well, I think I'm leaving.
M:No Justin stay, just for tonight, my sister is in Florida and my mom in Spain.
M:Yeah I need company.
So my loves what are u thinking about the story
Leave on the comments what u think

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