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I was sitting on my bed watching the walking dead reruns with my friends Mel and Luna, we all had the same favorite character which was Daryl, I heard Luna's phone ringing and watched as she answered it

Luna: I'm sorry but I have to go home, I'll see you around Ashe
Ashely: see you later Luna
Melanie: I think I'm gonna head home too, good night Ashe
Ashely: oh boo, I guess I will have the house to myself like always
Melanie: I'm sorry Ashe, wait up Luna I'll walk with you

They left and once again I was alone, I really hated it but I was used to it already, I laid back on my bed and continued watching my television, all I heard was the quiet and then I heard a door open and close, I got out of bed to go see who it was, as I made my way downstairs I seen my dad in the kitchen with a woman, I seen the way she was staring at him and I'm pretty sure he was checking her out too, I wasn't gonna say anything but my shoe made a squeak sound and my dad looked over at me while I started to walk into the kitchen

Dad: oh good Ashely you're awake, I want you to meet Michelle, she is my new intern and Michelle this is my daughter Ashely
Ashely: nice to meet you Michelle
Michelle: you failed to mention you had a daughter Mark, she is very pretty
Ashely: thank you and you are too, its no wonder my dad can't keep his eyes off of you
Mark: OK that's enough of that, it's time for bed young lady
Ashely: ugh fine, good night dad!

I turned around and walked back upstairs as I headed back to my room, I laid on the bed after I closed my bedroom door, a few minutes later I heard Michelle moaning my dad's name really loud then it stopped, I changed into my pj's, I watched more television before I fell in a deep sleep

I turned around and walked back upstairs as I headed back to my room, I laid on the bed after I closed my bedroom door, a few minutes later I heard Michelle moaning my dad's name really loud then it stopped, I changed into my pj's, I watched more ...

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