When we Broke

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Chapter 15

​The longer I am here, the easier it has become to be numb to the surroundings. The rest of them were all too wrapped up in their own personal affairs to even realise I followed them back. Pan was right, this could very easily tear them all apart.

​I can't help but worry I'm too caught up in this all this drama. These peoples lives have melted into mine.

​"You came back?" The Captain notices me first, and the rest stand up to stare at me.

​I can't bring myself to nod. There is nothing left in me. I am a shell.

​"She's working for Pan, isn't she?" Neal asks, moving forward. "Since when does he have Lost Girls?"

​"Since she has magic." Emma nods towards me. "Are you like him?"

​I shake my head. "I don't want to be."

​"You don't just fall in love with an animal like him." The Captain steps forward, before his hook wraps around my shirt.

​I nod. "I never said I was innocent."

​"Get out." The Captain spits.

​"Where would she go?" Mary Margaret asks. "Send her back to those boys to do who knows what with them? She got us Neal, she helped us get Tinkerbell. If she has been spying on us, then it's already too late."

​"We've still got plans up our sleeves." He corrects.

​"She's already betrayed Pan." David says. "You remember what she said about the civil war. The traitors were killed."

​"She's been spying." Emma answers. "Haven't you?"

​I don't answer, instead choosing to stare down the Captain. "You'd kick out your own family?"

​The air tenses, and he lets go of me, backing up.

​"What is she talking about Hook?" David asks.

​"You aren't my family." He spits.

​"You know he is my father." I spit. "Liam. Why else would I have his pocket watch?"

​I pull it out, and he knocks it out of my hand with his hook, cracking the glass. It hits the ground with a thud, and my hand stings. I doubt it was intentional, but he slashed my hand open. Warm blood trickles down my wrist, I can feel it.
​"This is Pan playing tricks on you." The Captain begins.

​"My mother gave me this." I tell him. "And she hated Pan."

​"Of course she did, he killed Liam." The Captain shouts, pushing forward into me. "Because of your little boyfriend my brother is dead."

​"He is my father too." I shout.

​"How is that possible?" Emma asks. "Hook was here for hundreds of years. Where is any of this coming from"

​"Time travel is hard but possible." Mary Margaret adds.

​There is both too much and not enough going on around here. If Pan is listening to this, he will kill me. I am not exaggerating. This is betrayal at its finest. Why did he have to send me here? Why did he have to bring me to this island?

​Pan brought me here and broke me. I can't go back home, and though my life was boring I would give up all this in a heartbeat for none of this to have happened. I may have saved lives, but I killed too many to make up for it, and I feel dirty everywhere.

​Is this how Alex feels? Is this how Keaton felt?

​"Charlotte, go back to that camp."

​"He will kill me." I beg. I know the Captain has no sympathy for anyone, and he did kill Rufio after all, but there is nothing I have left to do.

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