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As soon as you get back to your apartment, you drop your things, grab your guitar and a pen, and begin to write. You have a few lyrics scribbled messily onto a napkin, and a melody hummed awkwardly into your phone to start with. You're mumbling to yourself under your breath when Ed walks in.

He's clutching a coffee and a muffin from Starbucks (he makes a point to say he hates it every time you go there, but he can't fool you) and looks at you with raised eyebrows. For some reason, you'd gotten different flights, so he's been here for three hours, at least.

"Need any help?" he asks. You nod gratefully. That's when you realize your fingers are covered in blue ink, and several stanzas have been rather aggressively crossed out.

"I just can't get a good hook," you say in frustration. "They all sound too cheesy."

Ed doesn't say anything, so you just play him what you have. When you're finished, he nods pensively. He takes his guitar from the stand in the corner of the room, and begins messing around.

Soon, the two of you are jamming, feeding off of each other's ideas like ravenous sharks following a trail of blood. "Alright, so you could have something like, 'All I know is we said hello, and something something coming home....'"

"Yeah, and the second time around, the second line is higher," you sing it and he nods, " and then you go back into the verse." You write it down. "Oh wait, wait, wait!" You sing what you have again, and make the rest up as you go, "All I know is we said hello, and this feels like I'm coming home, and all I know since yesterday is that everything has changed!"

"That's brilliant!" Ed shouts, "Just do it twice through. It's simple enough, but that's your title there: 'Everything has Changed.'"


You finish writing the rest of the song in about an hour. You planned to have an easy day of baking and watching Parks and Rec, but instead you find yourself recording the song and planning out a video.

"You're not getting any sleep tonight, are you, Tay," Ed asks.

You shake your head. You agreed to stop to have a cup of tea. "I just need to stop procrastinating and just put this up tonight. I'm literally having so much fun right now." You pause for a second. "Ed, you should totally do background vocals on this. I've done the main guitar and my part in garageband, but that's it." He sighs, mumbling about something about missing out on funny cat videos, but accepts your offer.

"Yes!" you cry, "This is gonna be lit!"

Ed actually facepalms. "Please refrain from using teenage slang ever again in my house."

You smirk, "Actually, we share rent. So I can do whatever the hell I want."

He punches you lovingly.


It's nearly three in the morning once you finish editing. Thankfully, you don't have to work tomorrow so you can sleep in. You photoshop a quick thumbnail, and then almost doze off as you wait for the video to export. Finally it does, and you upload it and share it to your social media as quickly as possible before climbing into your warm bed.

As you sleep, you're oblivious to the excitement of your fans and friends. Admittedly, it's been a little bit since you posted anything original, and a while since you posted anything with Ed. As always, speculation on who it's about starts almost instantly. That's one of the downsides to having such a large audience. You can't share as much as you used to.

You wake up around eleven the next morning. You turn on your phone and the first thing you see is a text from Karlie: "Damn Tay, that new song is amazing! I wish people wrote songs like that about me lol"

You sigh in frustration, because it is about her. This revelation is news to you. But, you think as you saunter downstairs to make some eggs, it makes perfect sense. You often find yourself writing about emotions you don't even realize you're feeling.

Does this mean I have a crush on Karlie? The thought stops you in your tracks. No, of course not, you reason. It's just based on your connection with her. It's about friendship, not about romance.

You shake your head at the silly notion. After all, you and Karlie have only known each other in person for a couple days. Your friendship has just progressed more quickly than others because you've been talking online for a while. Nothing romantic to see here.

A/N: Wow, it's really been a while.  So sorry about that.  I just got out of school a couple days ago, so you'll definitely be getting more updates soon.  I had kind of lost motivation for writing for a bit (mostly because I was focusing my creative energy elsewhere lol) but I'm back and I promise I won't abandon my stories again for so long :)

I've got a bunch of creative projects I'll be working on this summer, so if you're interested in my endeavors, I'd suggest following me on le social media or on youtube or something.  I'm trying to self-produce an EP this summer, so that'll be a thing if you're interested.

Thanks for sticking around.  It means a lot.

P.S. I need music recommendations!  What have you been listening to lately?

P.P.S. Forever and Always piano version just started playing gotta blast

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