Tag 1

37 1 12

Hello, so I've been tagged by.... DaSavageAsh so go follow them, and let's begin.

1. Favourite anime: Well it would have to be the Death Note series, the story line and style is just amazing along with the characters each unique and thought out carefully. Many plot twists in it as well which are always entertaining.

2. Last anime watched: Haven't watched anime for about a month (long time for me) but it was Seven Deadly Sins.

3. Single or Taken: Single, not ready to mingle.

4. Favourite game: Well video games count so, a true between Five Nights At Freddy's and Undertale. Story lines are well thought out along with the background, the characters and Easter eggs making everything exciting. I also get attached easily to all of the characters so it's hard to do certain things *cough* genocide *cough*.

5. When is Your Birthday: 25th of the 2nd 2005. Yes I'm apparently "too young" for Wattpad but it doesn't hurt me so deal with it.

6. Do you have a crush on someone:
Nope, don't see the point in love. I mean yes, I read fanfictions but, that's really for characters that I know won't exist or are part of relationships that will never happen. Otherwise, too busy for crushed, gets in the way of stuff.

7. Fav animal: don't have a specific one but my top ones are dogs, cats, birds, dolphins, horses, snakes and spiders.

8. Fav colour: Crimson Red, Midnight blue and (although technically not a colour), black.

9. Fav Manga: Death note, again.

Well that's that, now for tagging.......

Well here you guys are, if you were tagged don't forget to tag at least 10 more people.

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