Chapter 7

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Boku No Hero Academia belongs to Kohei Horikoshi

-I only own the plot and the ideas.-

He left to search for his classmate, Asui Tsuyu. The one that he had recently get along with. Not long after that when he was out of the school area, a light rain showered him. It was a warm rain because the sun was still high up at the almost cloudless sky. Deep within his heart, he was quite uncertain of his own feeling. It was that time earlier in his class when he had received a text message from her.

Upon reading the text message just now, his heart ached and his feeling was laden with insecurity that even he himself couldn't describe the kind of emotions that he currently felt at this moment.

The text message that he had received from Tsuyu reads;

' Todoroki-chan... I'm glad to have you as a classmate. I'm glad to have you as a friend. I'm glad to have finally be comfortable around your presence. And I'm glad that you had finally be able to settle your life-long problems with your family... I'm glad that I can be useful to a certain someone... I'm happy to have met you..., even though we were not that close the time before we used to hangout together by the hill near the bridge... I couldn't be more happier than this..., but... I'm sorry... Our friendship ends here... Please... Don't get so close to me anymore as a friend and even in class... This is all for our own good... It's okay if you will hate me after this... I'm fine with it..., really... And thank you... For all of this time... you wouldn't mind to be my friend even though I look less human... I will never forget about you..., that you used to be my wonderful friend... Last but not least... Please... Stay away from me... That is all I ever want for now...'

It was the first time that he ever felt so anxious, moreover when it's about his own classmate. It feels like as if his world shattered apart into pieces. If her mere text left a great impact on him, then does it means that she's someone important to him?

He tried to call for a few times, but her number was unreachable. He'd also tried to send her a message, and yet, she didn't replied to him. Truth to be told, he felt worried and uneasy about her. He believed that he couldn't feel calm, not until her presence was in front of him. He have to find her, or else his mind will never be in peace.

He spend the rest of the school hour to venture around the town and went to search for her. He did showed the townspeople a photo that shows the picture Tsuyu and the rest of their classmates that he had on his phone. He asked each and everyone of them if they had the chance that they might have saw Tsuyu had been around the town for today. Unfortunately, none of them saw her presence in the town.

Shouto still won't give up. He search the town thoroughly and carefully from the food stalls, to a supermarket, a department store, a park and at every detail of the town that he had assumed Tsuyu might be there. However, his extra efforts were not paid off. The time goes by so fast, as his watch shows that it's already almost 6PM. He was restless. A part of him had coerced himself to give up on Tsuyu, but his will were strong enough to hold back the urge of having to give up. Finally, he had decided to go and search for her at her favorite place, the hill near the bridge.

When he had finally arrived, he strolled around the lower part of the hill and went under the bridge. He was unlucky enough that there's no sign of Tsuyu had been there. He sighed heavily as he went on top of the hill and sat down. He trailed his pitiful gaze at the clear sky. Why did she decided to avoid him? Was it because he ever said something that hurt her feelings or did he ever being mean to her at the first place? And so his questions were left unanswered.

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